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Town Counsel if the old lots- which. were non--conf orming needed to conform <br /> to current zoning to gain approval by the planning board. Marsters <br /> indi-sated that there was no problem with the plan as long as- it came under <br /> the. special permit. Mr. Burden asked if this plan was submitted as an <br /> Approval Required would the board approve it? Mr. Mars-ters said that <br /> he would Like to see that plan submitted- as a regular subdivision before <br /> he could render an opinion. Mr. Burden further- commented that roads <br /> were the only- issue that he Knew of where_ approval was required from <br /> the planning board. It was decided that Mr. Riordan would issue an <br /> opinion on the matter and send written copies- to the board as well as to <br /> the Counsel for New seabury <br /> - Mr. w ,ll am Mart iros' came. before. the- board and had a situation <br /> where he- had two :non--conf ormin.g lots and wanted to have a plan approved <br /> as Approval Not Required.. It was indicated to Mr. Ma.rtiros that <br /> he, cannot have a non-.conf orming lot' and further reduce one lot so as- <br /> to add on to another lot and .make the second to_t conform to the zoning <br /> r <br /> by---law-. Mr. Martiro,s- was- to be sent a written decision by. the board. <br /> -3- <br />