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07/11/1979 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
07/11/1979 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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MINUTES OF MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD MEETING OF T <br /> JULY 11, 1979 <br /> Gabriel Morze, Esquire came before the board on July 11, 1979 <br /> concerning a cluster zoning plan offered for the board's review. Planning <br /> hoard member Donald Blakeman commented that Mr. Morze had come b of ore the <br /> Board with a similar plan having 38 lots, several months ago. On the old <br /> submission there was a question concerning a Cape and Vineyard Easement <br /> which was designated under the old plan offered by Mr. Morze as open space. <br /> Mr. Morze was 'Coming back before the Board for a second look at the' plan. <br /> A letter by _Engineer Phillip Holmes was introduced which questioned the <br /> feasibility of using the Cape and Vineyard Electric Company Easement area <br /> for open space. A- letter was introduced by the Cape and vineyard Attorney <br /> discussing the land burdened by the Cape and Vineyard Easement. Mr. Morze <br /> asked whether or not the open space was to be restricted to one or more <br /> uses and the board advised him that that was correct. The board further <br /> advised him that the open space area had to be specifically designated for <br /> a certain purpose. Mr. Marsters stated that the requirement of the zoning <br /> bylaw is that the open space be suitable for a certain purpose. Mr. Marsters <br /> further commented that a cluster plan must be superior to a conventional <br /> plan to gain. approval.- Mr. Holmes stated that the _reason he wrote the letter <br /> to Gabriel Morze was to show that the land burden by the Cape and Vineyard <br /> Easement was not suitable for recreation. It was pointed out that the <br /> Cape and Vineyard advisory letter did not state where the power lines would <br /> be going up in the future but simply spoke of the type of lines that would <br /> be placed in the area of the Morze subdivision. Mr. Marsters indicated to <br /> Mr. Morze that the cluster plan that he was submitting was not superior <br />
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