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07/11/1979 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
07/11/1979 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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leaving such seven <br /> to a conventional plan. Mr. Morze ca�r�mented that he was <br /> acres as. open, space and this was -a superior factor in this cluster plan. <br /> Mr. Morze then introduced a sample covenant that he said would run with the <br /> land. Mr. Morze was not sure what type of covenant would run with. this <br /> particular clus t er� plan but stated he would go along with. whatever the <br /> board wanted in terms of a covenant. Earle. Marsters- commented that the board <br /> cannot approve a covenant that will be acceptable to the planning board <br /> but that 'the proponent must present his proposal to the board for review. <br /> Mr. Morze commented that additional cluster plans were available from <br /> Richard Baxter, engineer'. Mr. Marsters- answered that the board was <br /> not going to consider.multiple plans at th.i.s planning board -meeting. Richard <br /> Baxter stated that he had another revised cluster plan that the board has- not <br /> seen. Mr. Baxter said he would come in next month. with_ an alternative <br /> cluster plan and have sketches of other planes., not showing topo, however. <br /> Richards-on, Jonas asked whether or not another cluster plan was available <br /> tonight. Mr. Morze commented that he did not want any other plans intro- <br /> duced that evening, that he. would like Ri-chard Baxter to come to the next <br /> meeting without Mr. Morze present and introduce alternative plans-. when <br /> asked by Mr. Marsters whether Mr. Baxter working in conjunction with Mr. <br /> Morze were under a time deadline, Mr. Baxter answered that there were .still <br /> five more months before the deadline for approval under zoning. Dick Baxter <br /> stated that under another alternative plan that open space could be used <br /> for tennis courts and that five acres could be- used for open space. He <br /> considered this to be an advantage over conventional zoning. Dlck Baxter <br /> stated that the lots in the alternative plans will be 15,000 square feet plus. <br /> Earle Marsters indicated that the board would take the current cluster plan <br /> under advisement. Mr. Morze was asked whether or not a conventional subdivision <br /> -2- <br />
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