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07/11/1979 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
07/11/1979 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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would be available for the same lot presently being submitted .under a <br /> cluster plan. Richard Baxter said that he had showed the board several <br /> cluster plan designs and wondered whether or not the board may require <br /> open space in a conventional subdivision. Mr. Baxter was advised that <br /> the board could require open space in a conventional subdivions. When <br /> asked by Mr. Marst ers whether or not he had other cluster designs in mind, <br /> Mr. Baxter stated "no" that he was stuck with the weird shape of the <br /> property. There was then a discussion about a baseball field or softball <br /> field to be included in the design without reaching any conclusion. <br /> Mr. bars ters indicated' that the board was looking for a mini--park to be <br /> included. in any plan brought before the board. Mr. Baxter states that he <br /> would wait the decision of the board on this particular cluster plan and <br /> come back to a future planning board meeting with a ne`►►r plan if the board <br /> so desired. Jeannie Fitzgerald then came before the board with <br /> Detective Edgar Burroughes of the Mashpee Police, and Stoney from the <br /> Engineering of f ice in the Town of Barnstable. There was a long discussion <br /> about house numbers to be placed on each lot in the Town of Mashpee. <br /> Stoney indicated. .-.that it was done in Barnstable and suggested that <br /> Mashpee should get going with their house numbers so that emergency vehicles <br /> would be able to locate families. It was suggested that a C.E.T.A. <br /> volunteer, possibly with the help of Phil Homes, would get the project off <br /> the ground. There `►eras the immediate question of finances and how money <br /> would be raised to pay for the project. <br /> Size of the New Town Zoning Maps. It was decided that the smallest size <br /> was too stall and that the board desired black lettering on the mans <br /> instead of blue lettering. <br /> -3- <br />
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