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March 14, 1979 <br /> Baxter and ley e, Inc* <br /> 32 Wianno Avenue <br /> osterville, MA 02655 • <br /> Lear Sirs: <br /> Re Cuashnet vall ev Golf C our_s ,A-rea B <br /> I have reviewed the preliminary subdivision plan <br /> dated Feb. 7, 1979, and Feb. 26, 1979 and submit the <br /> following report: <br /> 'I ., The title should' say "Preliminary Plan" . <br /> 2. The owner of record should be shown. <br /> 3. The abutters' names should be shown., <br /> k <br /> 4` The proposed pavement should show on the road <br /> layouts and on Great Hay Road. <br /> 5. Lots 91 21 , and 36 should have a "building <br /> line" shown. <br /> 6. All the wetlands on the 63.7 sore piece should <br /> be shown, including that near the lots. It is <br /> _ probable e that there is wetland on lots 179 1 8, <br /> 199 20, 210 22, 37 and 38, <br /> Very truly yours, <br /> Philip D. Holmes <br /> Civil Engineer and surveyor <br /> PLhaa:b <br />