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03/21/1979 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
03/21/1979 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Re: Bearse t s�Road -- Mr. Jonas said that he doesn't think we should be too <br /> concerned about that because nothing is built on that road - if built on, then <br /> that would be the time to change the name of that road. Mr. Blakeman asked about <br /> some one t s calling the Fire Department saying there was a fire on� Bearse's Road. <br /> Mr. Jonas said that if it came from Popponesset, the person would say "house firett. <br /> Mr. Blakeman pointed out that there is a Cranberry Lane and Cranberry Avenue - the <br /> Fire Department wouldn't. know whether to head f or John Is Pond or Santuit Pond. Mr. <br /> McGrath said that Falmouth had a big hearing and the Planning Board changed the <br /> names and notified the Regi s try of Deeds. It was ascertained that there is only <br /> one house ,on Cranberry-Lane and Mr. Jonas said that it should be changed now be- <br /> cause there's no one luring on it. <br /> Mr. Blakeman said that so far we have received only estimate for reprinting <br /> the Zoning Bylaws, that being $350.00 for 500 copies, plus 300 per line for changes. <br /> Mr. Blakeman made a motion to put $1.,200 in the budget for the reprinting., seconded <br /> by Harold Collins. It was a un mous vote. <br /> Mr. McGrath will cross-hatch the Rm3 section of the Zoning Map for display a t <br /> the Public Hearing and Town Meeting. <br /> It was mentioned that the cost of printing 500 copies of the old maps was <br /> $184,00, Mr. Blakeman said that the old maps should be stamped r fV OID". Mr. Jonas <br /> said that the old ones shouldn't be given to people because they are not correct. <br /> It was mentioned that to maps used to sell for $1.50 and $1.00 for the Zoning <br /> Bylaws. Mr o Jonas thinks it should be at least $2.00 for the map and keep the <br /> Bylaws the same price. <br /> There was a brief discussion on why- the last maps were printed without a road <br /> legend on them. Mr. Collins ,stated that the plan had to be made up in a hurry for <br /> the Special Town Meeting in November. Mr. McGrath said that they had made a frantic <br /> search for the mylar. Mr. Jonas asked if that was separate from the one That had <br /> all the street names on the side. Mr. McGrath, explained that when you send the <br /> mylar up, you send a letter having them attach the street naives and legend on the <br /> side - it's done by photograph. They had sent an old sepia In poor condition and <br /> had to make. a mylar from .it. <br /> Mr. Jonas suggested that maybe Mar. Holmes can c ompens ate f or not putting the <br /> names on the last_ map. Mr. McGrath said that it will be wader than the other smallone. He also said that he will have ten of one size printed and ten of another <br /> size so that the Planning Board can make its decision. Mr. McGrath further said <br /> that the small map is half--scale,, but a quarter of the size of the large map. It <br /> was further mentioned that the Fire Department, Police Department and Selectmen <br /> should have the 1, but the smaller one is ade qu ate f or the others. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Judith K o S c iarrill.o <br /> Secretary <br /> 2 400 <br />
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