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tax assessments, school planning, etc. Mr. Collins said that he bets there's over <br /> a thousand lots and Mr. Blakeman thinks itts up around 3000. Mr. Graham suggested <br /> subtracting the houses against the number of lots and that would give you an idea. <br /> Mr. Collins said that a lot of the lots are not buildable. <br /> Mr. Graham said that he had never looked at the question the way Mr. Blake- <br /> man asked it. He said to let him check and see if, he can work up a mathematical <br /> problem just using the information we have, without doing too much. He said you <br /> could subtract out the town-owned land and state land. He said that they know how <br /> many houses there are, how many two-deckers, how many hotels - it's broken down <br /> that way he might be able to get a pretty good idea. He said that he would be <br /> back in 20 minutes and see if he has an answer - it's all separated on the back of <br /> the tax books. <br /> Mr. Jonas mentioned that there are a lot of errors in the open space map and <br /> ommissions in the legend. Mr. Holmes said that after he gets the other signatures <br /> on the new zoning map, it should take less than a week to get the copies made. <br /> P1r. Graham returned and said that the only way to do it would be to sit down <br /> and count every lot in town. Mr. Blakeman suggested calling all the developers, <br /> for, surely, they would know how many lots they have. Mr. Graham said that the <br /> computer has never been set up like that - it wasn't asked for.. If we had the <br /> money to do it initially, then it could be kept updated. <br /> Mr. Holmes said that iE he has questions on the road map, he will ask them <br /> at the next meeting. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 900 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> J <br /> Judith K. Sciarrillo <br /> Secretary <br /> - 2 - <br />