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concept as, delineated in the sketches presented by William Weller. <br /> The next item was Attorney John Bush from the office of Selma Rollins <br /> in Brookline appearing for Dr. Cenedella. Attorney Bush appeared con- <br /> cerning Troon Knob way in New Seabury. This was an approval not re- <br /> quired of a plan by George Hayes of 11/8/79. The $20 . 00 fee was not <br /> paid as My, Bush was without funds . He was to send the $20. 00 to the <br /> Board. The Board signed the plan as approval not required. <br /> John Doyle appeared on two separate proposals . John Doyle is from <br /> John P. Doyle Land Surveying Company, Inc. , 31 Ta t ake t Square , Falmouth, <br /> Telephone No. 540-4411 . Mr. Doyle presented a plan for approval, not <br /> required of ten lots on Meeting House Road. -The owner of the ten lots <br /> was John A. Threw concerning a plan dated June 3 , 1980 . The Board signed <br /> .the plan as approval not required and accepted a $100 , 00 fee for the ten <br /> lots . <br /> John Doyle of Doyle Associates then appeared on a second proposal con- <br /> cerning six lots on Orchard Road. This was a plan of land for Edward <br /> and Heleana wasil . The plan dated 6/3/80 and None by Doyle Associates . <br /> The Board approved the plan as being an approval not required and a <br /> fee of $60 . 00 for the six lots was received. <br /> Allen Kingsbury appeared for Douglas Stevens . Mr. Kingsbury had a land <br /> court plan , concerning Daniel t s Island Road. The plan dated 6/17/80 , <br /> The plan was approved, a $20 . 00 fee was collected and Mr. Kingsbury was <br /> to advise the Board as to the number of the lots after being given same <br /> by . the 'land court . <br /> Allen Kingsbury, of Kingsbury surveying Company, Inc. appeared again for <br /> Tod Ackerman concerning an approval not required for three lots ,, the plan <br /> being dated June 17 , 1980 . The Board signed the plan as approval not <br /> required and collected a $30 . 00 fee for the three lots . It- was pointed <br /> out that the selectmen were to get copies of the plan. <br /> Mrs . Tom Lyons appeared for her husband concerning the changing of the <br /> zoning designation from residential to commercial . It was admitted by <br /> the Board that there was previous oversight when doing out the new zoning <br /> map of 1980 , and that the Board was attempting to rectify this error. It <br /> was agreed by the Board to send a letter to Town Council , Joseph Reardon <br /> for his opinion as to how to best solve this situation. <br /> Mark Fouhy and Charles Buckingham appeared concerning a- study being done <br /> by the Cape Cod planning and Economic Development Commission concerning <br /> water quality. Mr. Fouhy and Mr. Buckingham were congratulated by the <br /> Board for their interest in Mashpee and the Board indicated it would <br /> give every assistance to the study. <br /> Elections were held for the position of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and <br /> Clerk of the Board. Richard L. Terry� was elected Chairman, Earle Marsters <br /> was elected vice Chairman and Donald Blakeman was elected Clerk. The <br /> meeting was- adjourned at 11 : 40 P.M. <br /> -2- <br />