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04/16/1980 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
04/16/1980 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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lir $ <br /> PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 4116180 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Earle M. Marsters , Richardson Jonas , Harold <br /> Collins , Donald Blakeman <br /> ABSENT : Richard Terry <br /> ALSO PRESENT : Town Enineer, Mr. Philip Holmes <br /> Mr, Richardson Jonas opens the meeting : <br /> PUBLIC HEARING: Esques Irian Trust - Location 63 . 7 <br /> Acres +-- old Barnstable Road, Mashpee <br /> Massachusetts <br /> Abuttors present : Mr. and Mrs . Cuthbert . Mr. Robert Delory also <br /> in attendance for hearing. <br /> Mr. John Umina, representing Esquestrian Trust and Mr. Richard <br /> Baxter appear before the Board and Abuttors and those with un- <br /> specified interest with plan of land. <br /> Mr. Jonas reviewed letter of Town Engineer. and was informed that <br /> all corrections had been made on plans as requested. Town Engineer <br /> stated it was being left up to the Planning Board as to how far the <br /> actual road paving was to go.. Mr. Jonas stated that Great Hay Road <br /> would be paved from. Barnstable Road to Lowell Road. At this point <br /> Mr. Baxter laid out plan (in two parts) and Mr-. explained how <br /> and why proposed paving had lef t out a certain area due to what was <br /> considered would be extremely hazardous with golfers either walking <br /> or in cart, All- members of Board along with abuttors agreed when <br /> proposal had been fully explained. Both Mr. Collins and Mr. Jonas <br /> questioned the single family. area; Mr. Baxter explained it was rather <br /> confusing due to the fact the p 1 an was in .two parts but did exp lain <br /> fully to satisfaction of all. The Cuthberts explained how concerned <br /> they were about low lots and drainage , was type of septic would go <br /> in. It was explained to them that if the lots didn' t pert out , no <br /> building permit would be issued. Also explained how very competant <br /> Mrs . Anderson of Board of Health is. Re drainage, Mr. Holmes explained <br /> Town. Enginner inspects and if ever it is thought more drainage is <br /> needed it would- indeed be demanded of the Trust . - Mr . DeLory asked <br /> above the Open Space Area and was told 32 acres were dedicated as green <br /> area. Mr. Marsters then asked for the Open Space Covenant and Mr. <br /> Baxter informed him it was on file at the Barnstable County Registry <br /> of Deeds copy of same in Planning Board file) . Mr . Baxter explained <br /> to Mr . and Mrs . Cuthbert that a shallow septic system could be de- <br /> signed in conformance with law. Mr. Blakeman asked how many -actual <br /> inspections Town Engineer would do , to which Mr'. Marsters replied <br /> five (5) . <br /> With no further questions , Mr. Marsters informed all concerned the <br /> plan would be taken under advisement and Equestrian Trust would be <br /> notified. Mr. Baxter asked if it might be resolved at this meeting <br /> and Nor .. Marsters told him -in light of a seemingly easy agenda it <br /> might possibly be resolved this evening. <br />
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