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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M ashp ee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 4/16/8 0 Cont "d P a cr e 3 <br /> 6 <br /> Mr. Blakeman brings up the matter of South Gape Beach and meeting <br /> currently in progress this evening ('Open to Public) . Blakeman asks <br /> for himself and "'others" where is this 432 acres and where are these <br /> developments , in my opinion New S e abury is being too sketchy. Blakeman <br /> states that the map he has in his -possess ion shows it all being under <br /> 5 ' elevation. Mr. Mars tens disagreed - if the harbor is under 5 ' that is <br /> a good point he thinks . Mr. Mars tern further stated if it is under 10 ' <br /> the Corporation would have to build in conformance with the Flood Kan.. <br /> Mr, Blakeman stated we have a maximum height of 30 ' on dwellings Mr . <br /> Mars ters stated that under Flood. Plan, you- are allowed to 'fill, and <br /> they can "t go three stories high to which Mr. Collins-. agreed only 2k <br /> s torie.s are all-owed. Mr. Holmes asked hoar the third story would be <br /> de.fine_d to which. Mr. Blakeman stated they have to start ll `% above and <br /> Mr. Mars-ters- agreed yes , with any living space ; however they can fill or <br /> they. can conform with the Flood Plan requirements , which would be a- <br /> garage under or just no living 'space . 'Mr . Blakeman stated he thought <br /> the whole plan to be an atrocious use of that particular piece of land. <br /> Mr.. Mars ters asked if Mr. Blakeman had seen it . Blakeman replied he <br /> -had s;eens, the ma pa that they have and have been down to the- land and no <br /> matter where one -loops- at it from, it looks like a .horrible usage for <br /> that- piece, He also stated that there are parts of Quail Hollow in south <br /> Cape Beach, that -in his opinion should never have been developed. Mr . <br /> 'Mars-ters asked his reas-oning for the statement to which Mr.- Blakeman re- <br /> plied elevation, Nr t Mars ters then. stated if that was true then Hyannis <br /> Harbor should never have been allowed to exist. Mr. B 1 ak eman. then said <br /> okay and that he was probably more of a cons ervat ionis t than some people , <br /> Mr., <br /> Marsters - that maybe but just. think if- that were a strict require- <br /> ment that one had to be so many feet above then there would probably be <br /> n.o harbor on Cape. Mr.. Blak.eman then stated he still feels as though the <br /> area is best left as is . Mr. Blakeman - then pointed out that the map they <br /> were looking at was Just a preliminary and if one was to start comparing <br /> areas, the Corporation is still planning t-o come way down with their <br /> development - planning a beach club, cabana etc . Mr. TZarsters stated, <br /> the first thing s- h.e thinks that they' want to use the neck area for a <br /> beach Club . Mr. Jonas then- came in and said, they haven.'-t told anyone <br /> ghat thi n plan.s are . Mr. ' Mars ters state& they haven't fully developed <br /> their plans. yet. Mr. .Jonas stated they want to get one area in before <br /> they develop another and they can't be blamed for that . Mr . Mars ten s <br /> stated that the Environmental. Impact study has to approve the detailed <br /> plan for development. Mr. Blakeman stated he agreed, but that now. is the <br /> time some -of these plans should be .coming out , Mr. Collins referred to <br /> the Revere Beach area and what has been done since the 'state took it over .. <br /> Mr. Marsters stated that indeed the general public would control it., <br /> Mr., Blakeman then brought up the subject of parking stating the state <br /> is looking for somewhere between 400-420 and even if they drew 1 ,000 ,- New <br /> Seabury is talking in the neighborhood of 750 dwelling units , at two cars per . <br /> Mr. bars-tern questioned Mr. Blakeman as to his figures as Blakeman stated <br /> that would be about the average, Mr. Marsters disagreed saying one would <br /> be for visitors . <br />