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04/02/1980 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
04/02/1980 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING -BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 41211980 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Earle M. Marsters , Richardson Jonas , Harold Collins , <br /> Donald Blakeman and Richard- Terry. <br /> ALSO PRESENT : Town �4npin,�,erM:�. Phili Holmes <br /> s <br /> , . <br /> - _ _ - <br /> First on Agenda: PUBLIC HEARING -- Mashpee River Protective Zoning By-Law. <br /> In attendance was Mr. William McKay of River Road, Mashpee and the Conserva- <br /> tion Committee. <br /> Mr. Mars ters , Chairman. introduced Mr. Richard Terry and explained that <br /> whereas Terryspearheaded this by-law for the Planning Board; he would <br /> give an explanation and then be open to questions . <br /> Basically-, this is entitled the Mashpee River Protective <br /> Mr.. Term . � p <br /> Z_o"n""'_3'_ng By_ Law and what it really entails would be a prohibition of build-- <br /> . y .. r going north from the <br /> build- <br /> ing from 1l horizontally from the bank of the rive g g <br /> be-ginning o f the r.ive.r all the way down to the Pirate ' s Cove area. Pirate ' s <br /> g g <br /> Cove would be excluded as well as the corresponding area on the west bank <br /> of the river. If anyone -has in.teres-t , -I do have both arial and assessors <br /> maps. availablewith the loo '% line -drawn for specific narrowing down.. The <br /> b y -does-law d provide for hardship in. terms of going to the Board of Appeals <br /> should someon-e, so deem' fit.. There 1s a provision in the by-law for place- <br /> ments of docks, in the. area. The basic idea behind the by-law was the <br /> though.tthat the Mashpee River is a very- special area; the pristine nature <br /> of the riv�e_r itself and the Board feels that the 100 '- prohibition on build-- <br /> in. is basically- in keeping with the spirit of conservation. It is not <br /> • g � !� � �a The idea is to tr <br /> intended to try, to take anyone s property rights aw y <br /> to do , as far qs- cons-ervation sake , is to -preserve that portion of, the <br /> Mashpee - Diver that really- hasn'`-,t been touched and built upon. It is only <br /> P Certainly, beyond that <br /> talking about 10 o from the bank, o f the river. C y, � <br /> building can go on as allowed under the law, There is no attempt here to <br /> tryto assert the powers of the Conservation Commission, because we still <br /> �� p ' � n Commission <br /> have to comply, with all the regulations ; the Town, Conservation <br /> and State, 'Exilsting use would obviously be exempt ; grandf athered in this <br /> particular b . law--. once again, there is a hardship provision for anyone <br /> who might feel thisis unduly bur den s ome upon them. They would go to the <br /> Board of Appeals to indicate to them what their specific problem was , Mr . <br /> Terry reiterated that the thought behind the by-law was the thought the <br /> Mashpee Rives self-contained, running entirely within. Mashpee , is a very <br /> s eciaZ area because of the natura-1 beauty and grace of the � river and some- <br /> thing should be done to protect at least loo righ <br /> t on the bank and this is <br /> an attempt to try to plan for the future ; try to beep something for the <br /> future intact. lie stated the Planning Board - feels that this is a very <br /> slight prohibition without , trying to create any undue hardship on anyone .. <br /> Mr. Terry then open sthe meeting for any questions or comments -- <br /> Mr. William McKay of River Road, Mashpee asked about_ the provis ion re docks <br /> Mr. Terry replied lied that whereas docks must be kept within state and local <br /> law, provision was left in as it stood. <br />
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