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04/02/1980 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
04/02/1980 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING B.oARD MINUTES': 4/.2'f S'0 'C on t" ,--d <br /> Mrs . DeLory asked why the by.-law- was only asking for, l oo '', whereas <br /> the Mashpee River Corridor was asking , for 100 yds . Mr Terry. replied <br /> it was a compromise; it was thought that l00 feet was s-omething. <br /> people could Live with and that the 'Planning Board did not want to <br /> impose Anything too burdensome on any in.d-iv-dual. Mr. Magi's ter.s stated <br /> that a setback of 300'�. would eliminate .s-ome -Parcels comp.leteiy thereby <br /> definitely crea.t ng hardships . MT. Mars ters further stated that during <br /> other hearings, there was much opposition.. . ..therefore our compromise.- <br /> Mr. Tavares of Conservation Committee asked the Planning Board if this <br /> was not an accommodation for New- Seabury�, as the 'larges-t land owners- <br /> along the. Mashpee River, so that -any of their lots would not come within <br /> this loo feet. Mr, Terry replied that any lot would be subject unless <br /> there was- a building permit in effect prior to this by-law- going into <br /> effect within the area contained in this by-law. 11r, ' Mars ters stated that <br /> ownership can be right ht down to the river ,and no one 'ass property would -he <br /> � <br /> taken. away. In effect it would create something similar to an easement <br /> Mrs . DeLory asked if taxes would have - to be paid to which Mr. Mars ters <br /> replied yes , but hopefully the assessors will consider this and it would <br /> have some value definitely, but the .property. owner sh,oul-d bring it <br /> to the asses-sors attention and then normally- they do look at each zoning <br /> area and assess it at a different rate , Mr Ken Pecci of Conservation <br /> Committee ques ti-oned re ownership of dockage to which Mr. Terry replied <br /> nothing was in mind as to joint ownership of docks,. Mr, Mars tern further <br /> stated that people would still have -to go about' that in the same manner; <br /> i e. through Corps of Engineers , etc . There will just be a small area <br /> subject to docks- whereas, that is a salt water river.. Mr* ears ters- stated <br /> he believed Conservation Committee would have Icontrol to which Mrs . DeLory- <br /> agreed that their Committee would indeed have control .' <br /> Mr. McKay, property <br /> owner explained that, he thought there was about 30 acmes of land on the <br /> opposite side of Pirate's Cove that was not included in this proposal <br /> He asked if the Planning Board would consider including it as he personally <br /> would, like to s-ee it done .. Mr. Terry explained that there has to be some <br /> point at which this wo-ald stop ; he can'-t really say whether 'or not <br /> Stenburgs land (,30+-A) would be included or could be included l Mr.. Terry <br /> stated "'we must walk before we run with this proposal" and it seems that <br /> it has been advertised and it is what people know about and what the Board <br /> feels comfortable With. Mr. Mars tens asked where exactly the property was <br /> to which Mr.- McKay replied location is from David Niven'-s property up <br /> wards . Mr. McKay then asked if this was the sole purpose of the meeting <br /> to which Mr. Mars t e rs replied yes Mr. Mars ters further stated that the <br /> only reason -it was not included is that the line was drawn . straight across <br /> stopping at Pirate ' s -Cove . - Mr . Marst_ers then asked for any further <br /> questions and thoughts . Attorney Dubin.s tated the line is not quite where <br /> the land is . . it is on the west side of Riverview Subdivision. Mr. Mars tern <br /> stated that was correct just a little bit north of the Riverview Subdivision <br /> Mr . McKay stated that he would start building' a house in another couple <br /> of weeks and would like to have River Bend included. Mr. Mars ters asked <br /> the depths of lots in area to which Mr. McKay replied 300 ' . Mr. Marsters <br /> told Mr. McKay the Planning Board would Zook into that . <br />
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