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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of III ashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD- MINUTE-S : 3/5/19 8 o <br /> MEMBERS PUSENT: E,arle =M. Mars-ters,, Ri-chards,on Jonas , Harold Collins <br /> Richard Terry and Donald Blakeman <br /> ALSO PRESENT,- . Town. En ineer, -Mr Phi:�l Ho lme s <br /> NOTES : Mr, Philip Holmes is borrowing Canning profile a f roads -- <br /> S he l lb ack area in particular. <br /> Mr. Terry brought in copies I of new Town By-Laws. one copy <br /> gi0 ven to each member. Town Clerk to receive increments of <br /> 100 at a time and is to charge .$l . 5O per cop Mr. Marsters <br /> ,, - <br /> asked that Town. Clerk be given in.stru6tions as to number sold <br /> and that a record to be kept of same for 1981 Annual Report . <br /> Zoning maps will be sold at $2 ,00 per cope, <br /> Mr Marsters, asked secy to mail copy of new By--Laws to <br /> Mr. David A. Perry at lst District Court - MCP E <br /> Mr. Marsters asked seer to mail copy of new Zoning leap to <br /> New Bedford O&E with note he will be in touch later. <br /> Mr, Marsters dictated ltr .to Town Counsel requesting recommenda--- <br /> tions re Tri-Town Circle Development inasmuch as tapes of minutes <br /> of meeting on 1/16/80 did not come out <br /> Secretary was asked to call Hale and Dorr collect re zoning <br /> changes for New Seabury plan of land to commercial ._ please note <br /> secy did call on 3/10180 to advise them. Public Hearing -notice first <br /> ran in Cape Cod Times was 3/-7 ; Sandy Swanson out on vacation, left <br /> msg that Y called. She returned call 3/17 and informed her of same <br /> Mr. Marsters dictated memo to Recreation Department in response <br /> to their two letters indicating that 16 April 1980 would be most <br /> convenient for the Planning Board to meet with them inasmuch as <br /> the first meeting in April is hear' i ly s ceduled with Public Hearings . <br /> Mr. Marsters took four (4) copies of Sub-Division -regulation hand- <br /> books ,, <br /> Secretary gave 12 copies of Sub-Division regulation handbooks to <br /> Town Clerk on 6 March 1980 <br /> Mr. Douglas Somerville of Best-Way Homes (The Home of the Future---today) <br /> comes before the Planning Board with Mr. David Hosie, a Real Estate Broker <br /> with Beltrandi of Os terville requesting the Board's opinion on how they <br /> felt the Town might react to a rather unusual completely solar; utility--free <br /> (with the exception of telephone) . Mr. Somerville presented an artists 'con- <br /> ception of a 12 , COCs f computerized solar "dream house" and asks whether or <br /> not the Town might be apt' to grant a Special Permit in order that Mr. Somer- <br /> ville and his family might live in the complex although they would also <br />