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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M ashpoo <br /> P-LANNING BOARD MINUTES CONTINUED - 3/5/3 0 <br /> retail out the building. Mr. Somerville stated he has already received <br /> 70- major companies to go along with his project ; giving him product . and <br /> moneywith which to complete it. He would. be turning this into a home <br /> ' r <br /> show for .5 years an would need it open to the public anywhere from 5-6 <br /> days per week. There will be retail selling going on inside of it . Mr . <br /> Somerville said he would require a piece of land 500 x 500 ' ; and doesn' t <br /> care whether he leases it or buys it ; doesn'-t have time to fight histori- <br /> cal society as he plans to start construction on this house in about b <br /> months . He went further to say there is all types of land this home <br /> could be constructed upon; Town Land, State, Federal through grants be- <br /> cause of what it is . . . the greatest demonstration of energy efficiency on the <br /> East Cost-. Mr.- Blakeman asked asked if he would have conventional sewage <br /> to which Mr. Somerville rep lied' ho . ,Mr. Somerville was sketchy in answering <br /> y questions man put f orth to hire by the Board and said this was due to the <br /> newness and technology of the project , and he is not an expert on sewage ; <br /> however going on to say he would get methane gas out of the sewage. - <br /> Mr. Marsters . as-ked if anyone of the companies involved would be willing to <br /> back up what Mr. Somervillle says . . '. that they would send a representative to say <br /> that they have reviewed the house and they believe you. claims are true? <br /> Mr. Somerville said he doesn"',t know, he can speak for them, but I can ask <br /> one further down the line. Mr. S omervi l 1 e asked if he could build it in the <br /> Town of Mash pee . to which Mr.. Marsters replied he didn't see why not ., <br /> P •-- '! con ce t was <br /> All members of the ,Planni:ng Board agreed that Mr,, S"omerville s p <br /> Most intriguing but it was however a question for the Board of Appeals and <br /> Mr. Marsters then proceeded to take Mr.. Somerville and Mrs . Hosie into the <br /> Board of A� eals- me�e�t'in� for an n xa"dlic`t1oh <br /> ._.... _ ... E w.� t an. <br /> Mr., John Um ha come. -before the P anning Boar- .representing ri <br /> Trust with what he thinks- is a tan not to require approval , consisting of <br /> P ,, <br /> 38 single family lots , located on old Barnstable Road, containing 63 . 7+- <br /> acres , Mr. Marsters asked for -a plan of the- total thing have we a schematic <br /> of the total concept and how it will look.., Mr, Umina said he gave the <br /> PlanningBoard one . Mr. ` rsters asked if we 'had a preliminary plan to which <br /> • `� � as individual <br /> Mr.. Umina replied one had been submitted., Mr.. Jonas stated that <br /> lots , the plan does not meet ANR because of the size, the frontage , etc , Mr. <br /> Marsters stated that what Mr. Urnina was asking for is a clustered zone <br /> proposal approval .. Mr.. replied yes. Mr , Marsters told Mr. Umina there <br /> . P '� that <br /> are no lots that would qualify with 15o frontage , and told Mr.. Umina <br /> the total definitive would have to be approved in order to approve the cluster <br /> zoning. Mr . Umina said Mr.' Baxter had it all done, but he didn't want to show <br /> these tonight . Mr. Mars tens explained to Mr. Umina that cluster zoning is when <br /> the total area is taken, it is supposed to do a better job than 'you would <br /> do with a - conventional and you have to have at least 25% Open Space , and <br /> you can' t use so much of the weland and you have 'to calculate from there . <br /> With what Mr. Umina brought in, one can'--t even see the roads , Mr. Urnina <br /> stated that he wished Mr. Baxter were here to defend himself. He also went <br /> on to say that this was determined years ago by the Planning Board and his <br /> whole thing was better than just a plain old grid subdivision , and now all we <br /> are showing you is the definitive on certain lots that don''t need roads built.. <br /> Mr. Marsters stated that he had to come back to the Planning Board to get <br /> the definitive plans P l approved b us . Mr . Umina stated - you mean that this <br /> PP Y <br /> time after you approve the preliminary plan, you could -turn this thing dovrn? <br /> The only reason Mr. Baxter did it this way was because these were the lots <br /> that did not need any roads to be construction. . .but the original concept . . . <br />