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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town- of Mashpee <br /> P14,MMUNG BOARD TUNUTES t De cember 15, 3.982 <br /> AF-WBERS PRES : Richard Terry,, Earl ?&x s t ers, Michele Stone, Richardson Jonas, <br /> Harold Collins <br /> CONSULTING GIL=: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TICiMi x 8*35 p.m.. <br /> The minutes were approved anal adopi ea for 12-,01-w62. <br /> The Board read over a letter Which Was subma.z t ed by Charlie Buckingham of the <br /> Board of as was requested at 'tne -Last meeting: I't stated what the Board <br /> of Health was_ looking for in, plans and is on file. The Board a ree+a to be sure <br /> it was followed from now on. They also s4ggested perhaps before a4yune snbmiz=zed <br /> a plan that they review it with the Fire Dept* and other departments necessary and <br /> br' it back with proof. It was also suggested that it might he easier if the <br /> petitioners mail the plans to the-vari.ous Boards by certified mail and show receipts <br /> prior to submission to the Planning Board. It it's not done the Board won't accept <br /> the plan as it's not proper submittal.. This would all have to be put into the <br /> , Rules. <br /> There was a con.tinu.ation of the Public Hearing for Quashnet valley and John. Um.ina <br /> and John. Slay.insky were present. <br /> They went over the letter Charley Rowley had submitted to the Board: <br /> No record owner was on the plan {- Tolr. Umina said the most recent taxes <br /> aren't correct and tn.e owner is staled on Sheet #I. <br /> The addresses of a.bu.ttors need to be put on the plan - they slid they would <br /> do it.- <br /> Site plan should be submitted showing drainage flow and 'watershed. <br /> 11r. Slavin.s y asked 31Z they were talking about land not involved 'in the <br /> subdivi si.on. Mr. Rowley said ad'acent -lanai 'will be tied into it in tern-is of <br /> drainage. He said they have to have a deliniation shaven on some plan showing <br /> run-off and drainage of the drainage system of this road: and they have to <br /> provide for it now. Mr. Marsters agreed they didn't show- the direction of <br /> the flow and it should be deliniated on a site plan. He said the Board <br /> could make the stipulation that unless they show the road and provide drainage <br /> for i t, no roads can be built off this road. They have to show other roads <br /> and provide for them. They have capabilities of SIP lots and will drain <br /> toward the road and they d on't give enough information if the- drainage is <br /> adequate. Yr. Rowley said there are other -,;says of doing it for lay spots <br /> and not depend on leaching basins exclusa rely. He gave a dopy �f the letter <br /> to the Board of health and Y-r. Vaxsters said they have to produce proof that <br /> !the Board of Health received a plan. <br />