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12/15/1982 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
12/15/1982 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING- BOARD <br /> 'own of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD 19 NUT ES: 12--15-8 2 Cont I do Page 2 <br /> Mr. Howley said if they go out s�d e the limits of the road they have to prodm <br /> vide slope easements. Mr. Slava sa,.id they. will provide -them with new <br /> contours. <br /> Tue problem was brought up of the entranoevay to Country Club Lane being on tree <br /> curve of O 1.d. barns t a bl e Y d. Mr. Rowley made the suggestion that you make Old <br /> Barns-table Rd. straight onto Country Club La. 'With an intersection and stop sign <br /> and the rest of Old Barnstable Rd. would came at a right angle to it. 11r. FT-arsters <br /> felt people would object to this as it would stop she flog`. He felt they should <br /> speak to the Highway Superintendent and suggested a, joint meeting with hiM v Lr. <br /> Rowley and the petitioners. Mr. Umina felt this should have been brought up <br /> earlier. <br /> The Board mutually weed to Waive amy time constraints ,imposed upon the Planning <br /> Board to render a decision until further revisions of the plan are resubmitted to <br /> the Board. <br /> Mr. Umina said he will arrange a time to meet the week after Christmas -with Mr. <br /> Rowley and Mr. Vi.rgilio. He asked the Board if he could just put in a portion of <br /> the road.. 1r. Rowley felt there should he a for vote of the Board. Yr. <br /> Marster s moved to waive the 8001 and asked that they put a temporary turn around <br /> and it not be a dead end street. D!r. Terry seconded the motion and all Yv ere in. <br /> favor. <br /> Mr. Rowley felt Country Club Ln. 'will be a major 'way into a subdivision and feels <br /> it should have a 50' layout and not 401 as it needs a greater width. 11r. Umina <br /> said that 1,o ould mean the plans they now have would hare- to he thrown out. Mr. <br /> Terry didn't see how the Board could make them do it now, Kr. Jonas felt the <br /> tarred surface should he eider than. 20' due to anticipated traffic. Yx. Miarsters <br /> said s.t's not an artery. He felt ant's a good point but marginal and felt 22' <br /> would he good. Mr., asked DU they could hold off on it until the net meeting. <br /> The hevd.iig was continued to January 5th and in the meantime the petitioners would <br /> meet with Mir. V and llr. Rowley and they %ould he prepared to answer the <br /> paving qUe stion. at that meeting, <br /> Er.. Bill Nye, representing R edbrook Corporat ion, came before the Board to request <br /> a public hearing. T11 . W-Tarsters stepped down from the Board during this time. <br /> He stated Quarterdeck Circle off of Surf Br# has 4 lots said they 'would like to <br /> eliminate tn.em and nave 3 l.o t s on. Surf Dr. -with no turn-around and they Would no <br /> loner -nave Quarterdeck Circle* <br /> 1,1Iae. Terry asked .if there would he enough frontage and T11r.. Nye' stated yes, over 100' . <br /> Mr. Terry said the Board Would, schedule the public hearing for January 19th and <br /> asked this secre tarn to advertise accordingly. <br />
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