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PLANNING BOARD <br /> `own of Mashpee <br /> T cont d. Paze 2 <br /> TTNG BOAM YInTES*o 10-20,-82 <br /> ... <br /> Petit-ioner: Realty Trust <br /> Submi.t t ed By; Jim Croy ell <br /> Lo cat i.on t Off fteeler Rd. <br /> Type of Plan: AVR <br /> Fees 20-,*Oo <br /> Mr. Crowell presented plan that was drawn several years ago and now they are <br /> trying to make one lot larger to sell the house that's on i t. They are increasing <br /> one tot by adding 1/3 acre to it from the other lot. <br /> The Board asked him to place a number on the second lot as just one 'as numbered.. <br /> Mr. Crowell num ed the lot 10 as the other was 11 and the Board signed the plan. <br /> Mr. `ferry cal..Led Mr. Tavares and Mr. Bot ells fo d as the ijoara was reacly to <br /> vote on their reoommendation of changing lots on Rte. 28 & Bowdoin Rd. from <br /> Industrial. to 00mmer vial. <br /> Mr. Terry said he was going to ab s taro from vo t <br /> Mr. Tavares restated that he had changed the nimber of tots involved after the <br /> recommendation's from some members of the Board. He still felt it's more logical <br /> to go the 4001 depth, or four lots. <br /> r. Terry restated that he still felt Y-r.. Tavares could go ahead with his plan <br /> under the present 'agricultural zone. <br /> Ms. stone added that that was his opinion acid not necessarily -that of the whole <br /> Board. <br /> ALr. Marsters made a. motion that the Board vote not only on whether to recommend <br /> it, but also as to the depth, the 400' depth or the original. 2001 depth. <br /> Ys. Stone �N ent on record as being in favor of recommending it at the 400' depth <br /> if it doesn't conflict v ith the Growth Review policies. <br /> Xr. Jonas went on record as being in favor of 'the 400' depth# <br /> Mr. Collins and Mr. Marsters also -went on record as being in favor of going the <br /> 4001 depth. <br /> Mr. Terry abstained. <br /> Mr. Alarsters suggested the petitioners present a blow-up of the area, to present <br /> to Town Meeting. <br /> �. Tavares sal-d he could present it on an overhead projector. <br /> Marsters1 o informed them if it was approved., they would still have to go <br /> before the Board of Appeals for a Special Permit. <br />