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09/15/1982 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
09/15/1982 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING HOARD MINUTES x September 159 1982 <br /> MMRRS P11'ES rtichard Terror t Earle Tharster s p Hi chardson Jonas� Harold Col Idn s: <br /> MWER S AB SEN11: Ni the 1 e -Stone <br /> CONSULTING ENGI NEB: Char le s N ow I ey <br /> TIME t 5 t 15 p.m. <br /> The minutes ,,4�ere approved anZ adopted for 9-1-82. <br /> Manuel. Katz attorney <br /> 10 so ce s tit Zit o <br /> Sharon, MA 02067 <br /> Mr. Katz was repre s entJ-ng Wayne Tavares and Paul Bo t el to. They had a petition <br /> with loo signatures which the Selectmen sent a, copy of in order for the Beard <br /> to hold a public hearing. <br /> Yr." Term wanted it made clear that this was not a public hearing right now. <br /> He also Wanted to know who the owner of the property is. <br /> Mr. Katz started neither Mr. Bet ello nor Mr# Tavares 'were the owners of the two <br /> corner l.o t s, but each has an option to pear chas e. <br /> Mr. -Term asked if they were aware that they have 65 days to -consider the pro.- <br /> posa7. and Mr. Katz said he was familiar iar With the statute. <br /> Fir. Marsters was questioning whether it Is the owners that have to petition. <br /> But Mr Katz sa3*.d -anyone can petit ion p sn oh as the 1.00 registered voters that <br /> they have on the petition. <br /> r. Marsters sa*.d legally the owner proba.t4 doesn't have to request it. but <br /> he felt it was practi oal and couldn't imagine ch the lard at someone <br /> else's request Witnout the oillner s fy their feeling. <br /> Mr. Katz said the owners are aware that if the zoning change doesn't go tbroug i, <br /> the option isn't gDing to oe . ar cised. Idle also said he 'would have the owners <br /> at the hearing- . Mr. Kat , went on to say that they felt the proposed change <br /> is highly desirable 'to the petitioners and beneficial to the entire town. <br /> He doesn't feel it's spot zoning becaase the use proposed is compatible and <br /> consl st ent with the uses in.the immediate vicinity. <br /> Mr. Katz then-asked that the Mutirman of the Board step-d own not only at this <br /> s <br /> meeting y but -al-ae at the public hearing to be scheduled g at the meeting when. <br /> the Board makes its decision as to the nature of the report, and step down at <br /> the time- of the town meeting at least as a member of the Board. He felt the <br /> Chairman has a substantial interest in a nearby piece of }property which is zoned <br /> for Commercial use and under the Conflict of Interest Law, he must step dawn. <br />
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