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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of 111.Ia.shpcc <br /> pLANM.LNG BOARD NINES: 9ew:L5 82 Cont d. Page 2 <br /> when the proposed amendment is be discussed, considered, when the report is <br /> heipg made and when the report is given. <br /> Mr. Terry said he would get the Tow. Counsel to rule on it* r. farsters agreed <br /> � - r <br /> and said if there was a conflict, Jae didn f t feel it was aritieaL <br /> Mr.. Tavares asked why Town. Counsel wasn"t at the meeting tonight as he was going <br /> to rule on, whether or not it was spot zoning. <br /> Mr. Marsters responded that he's not her e' at regular meetings and he hasn't ruled <br /> on the spot zoning yet. He then asked this secretanr to contact Mr. Reardon b <br /> phone for .hi.s opinion on the oonflict of interest and spot zoning. <br /> Mr-o Term said he wanted to rake it clear that Mr. Katz represented people who <br /> held purchase and sales agreements and not the owners. <br /> Mr. Katz presented a, plan showing the applicants' lots and abutting lots. <br /> He explained how he felt the- hest use of the land is to change the zone to <br /> Commercial to he compatible with the other lots. <br /> 1dr., Derr' asked vh tLt as going to be put on the two lets. <br /> Mr. Katz responded that Mr. Tavarr e s is proposing to put In a nursery and r. <br /> Bo t ello said he would be contractor's equipment and such. <br /> Mr. Terry asked what -kind of a building Mr. Tavares was going to have, how many <br /> units and 'would he 'have any rental units. <br /> Wr o Katz said Mr. Tavares was just going to have 'an office for himself and there <br /> Would be no rental units, <br /> Mr. Katz stated -that under the statute it's the Planning Board's duty to hold <br /> a public hearing and to subrai.t a report -to the to an -Yiee ti ng 9 <br /> ltr i xdersters Wanted to ymake it clear that it didn't I'laire to be done for the <br /> special, but they had. no desire to delay it. He said the Board has 65 days to <br /> act on. it in response to &fir. Katz's statement that the Selectmen put it on the <br /> warrant for the special town meeting* <br /> ng* <br /> r. Tavares asked if the Board wanted to take the 65 days. <br /> Mrs Ma r ster s said if the Board could solve it quicker, they would, but they *u s t <br /> Wanted to.make it clear that they have the 65 days. He asked whey they wouldn't <br /> want to go back 400' from the road as in the other Commerc Zone just to simplify <br /> it. <br /> Mr. Katz said he had no objection to going back the 400'. <br />