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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING .BOARD XIMTES s September 1, 1982 <br /> Tims s PRI ES': Richard Terry, Michele Stone, Harold Collins, Rai chardson Jonas <br /> h <br /> ABSENT: Earle Yar ster s <br /> CO <br /> NSULTING ENGI EER V Charles L. Rowley <br /> Tom: SM26 p*m, <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 8. 18-82, <br /> John Alcorn <br /> Subdivision between Asher's path -a d Route 219 <br /> he i s proposing to finish Papnome t t Road and that part of High 3echem Road <br /> from Route'.28 to Adhe 's Path. He wanted to know if he fim*shed them according <br /> to Phil Holmes' specifications, if the Board would grant him a partial. release <br /> of the oevenant <br /> He is pl .ng to complete jast .-th',z,-area as the lots he owns abuts these streets <br /> and the other lots belong .to the Peters, and they w3.21 co e t their section- at <br /> a latex tiro .0 <br /> Ire Rowley stated the Chi a jitr. Holmes had indl sated in his lett er, such as <br /> ineffioient stone around the basin and no connector Pip6: and said it would have <br /> to be checked verified one wv or the other. He said he voul.d go al.eng with <br /> whatever items Mr. Ho s had in the Letter, and since it's been almost 3 Years <br /> since then, he would also have to look if other thi need to be dome. He felt <br /> the first thing to do is to expose the drains, see what Us built and how it was <br /> built s and repair the base coat before putting down the final coat. <br /> Mr. Rowley also said he was concerned about the flat intersection now at <br /> Papnmmet t Rd. and Asher's Path. Tie' sa id he would rather it oame to a, 90 <br /> degree angle to force people to come to a' stop. <br /> The Board 'old-=fir, Alcorn that 1 . Rowley would have to go out and inspect and <br /> send a. report to the Board on it and a, copy to Mr. Alcorn.. 'hey also informed <br /> i Aloorn there would be a fee of 15 per lot for a total of $240a <br /> Mr. Alcorn said he would be able to pay the fee at another time and be in touch <br /> with Mr. Rowley about the inspect ion. <br /> The board signed a. Release Covenant for Nassaso it Cro s sing which is now South <br /> Cape Resort, as it had been overlooked earlier. <br />