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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES* .1..5� nt I�. �' � <br /> Waym Tavares <br /> Corner of Bowdoin R-d. & Route 28 <br /> Mr. Tavares returned to the Planing Board with letters he and Paul Botell.o <br /> submitted to the Selectmen request a zoning change <br /> Mr. Bo tello owns too lots, one fronts Route 28 and the other is behind it* <br /> x. Tavares is -pl on the lot on the other corner of Route 2$ and <br /> Bow do in Rd• They are asking to continue the G4 zoo from Mr. Terry's o f f i ee <br /> on Route 28 to -Lugat s. This would chafe their lots from, I-,1 to C--2. They <br /> w iah the P1 Board to hold a public on the change. <br /> The Board d the first atep would -be for the Selectmen to send a letter to the <br /> Board requesting them to hold a public Bearing and they haven#t -received one. <br /> However Mr. Tavexes could get a, petition. witfi 100 signaturds on-it. The Board <br /> vas also concerned that it mV be considered spot zoning. <br /> Mr. Tavares felt it vaml t spot zoning as it would be contiguous from the -Barn,, <br /> stable lane to Lugats. <br /> Mr. Terry felt however that you had to loot &t it in terms of the whole district. <br /> The -Board suggested that they get a ruling from doe Reardon as to whether it's <br /> spot . 0*1ng or not* • <br /> Yr. Terry said he didn't know if there was enough time to get everything together <br /> before the special town meeting. He felt the whole Hoard should be present to <br /> discuss it further. <br /> The Board took the matter under advi Bement. <br /> Cheater Sol.iz <br /> Plaza Bel. Sol Motel <br /> Route 130 <br /> Mr. Soliz had gone before the Board bf Appeals to add 15 units to lais motele <br /> it was rejected as he didni t have enough room. He then had are eng" ered plan <br /> made. cutting the -number of new units to 89 but the appeal time lapsed and the <br /> .Board of Appeals sent him to the Planning Board to review his plan and waive the <br /> 2 years he would have to vait. <br /> Xr.. Rowley stated he would need 29 parking spaces according to the zoning laws <br /> and the plan only show s-27 spaces. He also questioned the septic system being <br /> able to acoom date the added units. He also said some of the parking spaces <br /> weren't the required 9 foot 'width. <br /> The Board felt he had the room for correct ions and he should -have his engineer <br /> come in with a revised plan. <br />