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08/18/1982 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
08/18/1982 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> FLMNG BOARD F1�I Es: Augua t 16, 1982 <br /> 0MM,3 BRES Earle Yarsters, Richard Terms Harold Collinsy Richardson Jonas <br /> M ERS ABSENT: M ohe le .Stone <br /> CONSULTING ENG MER: Marles L. Rowley <br /> TIME: 8110 p.m. <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 8--4..82. <br /> Petitioners New 'Seabu Corp. & ]Ueld s Point Mfg. Co, <br /> Submitted: Selma Rollins <br /> Locations Seanest I.! Lot G <br /> This is basically y the same plan as the former except for the lines, They have <br /> eliminated Lots C & D and put G & p in -its place. <br /> Mrs. Rollins st0dd New Seabury Fishes to convey lot G to ter. Mrs, Grace for <br /> a Brain. Centery "but they oan.'t get a deed as there's a covenant on the property <br /> why. -says they can't build until the streets are in. She's therefore asking for <br /> a waiver of the covenant so they oan get 'the deed and start breaking ground, <br /> Mr. Rowley felt the covet couldn't be waiv_ ed unless they post a bond as there <br /> has to be frontage on a road. <br /> Mrs. Rollins said she understood that before a road was completed, a building permit <br /> could be issued but not an occupancy permit. she said by the time the center is <br /> compl.e t ed, the road will be She asked that the plan be signed with the <br /> stipulation that it can't 'be occupied until the roads are done, <br /> Mr. Marsters felt it Was okay as it's just the one lot that would be waived and the <br /> rest would still be covered under the covenant and the stipulation will be on' the <br /> plan. <br /> Mr. Rowley- said he didn't know if the Board has the right to waive it subject to <br /> an occupancy permit. - <br /> The Board felt sarf a with it as it can't harm the Town if they don't get an o c cu- <br /> pancy permit$ the burden l be on them and not the Town. <br /> The Board signed a release covenant with the stipulation. Mr. Terror informed <br /> Mrs. Rollins the Board wants a reoeipt -that the release is recorded showing where) <br /> the Book anal page. <br />
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