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MASHPEE COMMUNITY GARDEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MCGAC) <br />MEETING MINUTES <br />November 16, 2022 7:00 P.M. <br />Mashpee Town Hall <br />Popponessett Meeting Room <br />16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />PRESENT: Virginia Scharfenberg, Frank Gallello, John Carter, Lynn Harris, Kirsten Nordstrom <br />ABSENT: Cheryl Carberry, Mohamad Fand <br />CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Scharfenberg called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm <br />MINUTES: Discussion and Approval of Meeting Minutes for October 19, 2022 <br />A motion was made by Mr. Carter to approve the minutes of October 19, 2022. <br />Motion seconded by Lynn Harris. <br />Motion pass by unanimous consent. <br />COMMUNICATIONS and CORRESPONDENCE — none to report <br />REPORTS: <br />• The Committee welcomed new member, Kirsten Nordstrom and Susan Donovan who is the new <br />recording Secretary. <br />• It was reported that 10 Garden Members have been granted garden season extensions. The <br />gardeners that got an extension were given a new lock combination and were instructed not to <br />share it with anyone else. <br />• Chairwoman Scharfenberg stated that the Garden Event on October 22, 2022 was not well <br />attended but was still fun. <br />• It was reported that the DPW has not removed everything from the compost bins. Once <br />completed they should be dismantled and removed by DPW. <br />The materials for the concrete slab have not yet been delivered and Chairwoman Scharfenberg <br />stated she thinks it's just a matter of scheduling. <br />The diseased plant barrel is outside of the gate, ready for pick-up. <br />IQ4111-]LIMI0I*11V5 <br />• Chairwoman Scharfenberg requested that 2 Committee Members cross check the Addendum <br />against the current Rules and Regulations to be sure that nothing seems contradictory or is <br />confusing. Kirsten Nordstrom agreed to review the Rules and Regulations. <br />L111TITA:191:11►1*5.5 <br />• There was a discussion regarding developing a list of Committee Members to be assigned to <br />oversee various tasks by Garden Members for volunteer hours, including taking care of the <br />shed and landscaping around it, native plant garden, planning gardener educational events, <br />volunteer hour tracking, fencing and hoses. <br />Lynn Harris suggested reaching out to people that may have computer and marketing skills. <br />