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These assignments should take place at the December 21, 2022 Committee meeting. <br />There was a discussion about having a workshop in late January or early February with regard <br />to seeds and when to plant. And possibly a second event, at a later date, focusing on when to <br />plant in the ground, companion planting, plant diseases, etc. Chairwoman Scharfenberg said <br />that she will reach out to the Library about room availability. <br />• Chairwoman Scharfenberg stated that she sent out the Rules and Regulations to the <br />Gardeners a total of 3 times and got no response regarding edits or changes. She stated it is <br />clear that some members never read them and are not familiar with what is required of <br />garden members. <br />Lynn Harris suggested the Rules and Regulations get moved to the top of the list of documents <br />on the MCGAC web site. As of now, they are at the very bottom. <br />OTHER BUSINESS: <br />• Mr. Gallello suggested reaching out to the local Garden Centers to inquire about offering the <br />Gardeners a timed group discount in the spring. <br />• Chairwoman Scharfenberg stated that, as a reminder, the Select Board hearing regarding <br />Mohamad Fand dismissal is scheduled for November 21, 2022. She was informed that there <br />will be a very short time allotted, partly due to the proposed tax classification Agenda item. <br />• A suggestion was made by Mr. Carter that, come Spring, the Board meetings should be held at <br />the garden. <br />ADJOURNMENT: <br />A motion was made by Mr. Gallello to adjourn the meeting. <br />Motion seconded by Kirsten Nordstrom. <br />Motion passed by unanimous consent. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. <br />NEXT MEETING DATE: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at Town Hall unless Zoom deemed necessary <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Susan Donovan <br />Board Secretary <br />