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Mashpee Economic Development Industrial Corporation (EDIC) <br />Minutes — November 29, 2022 <br />6:00 PM <br />Popponesset Meeting Room <br />Mashpee Town Hall <br />Present: Carol Sherman, Denise Dutson, Pamela McCarthy, Patrice Pimental, Glenn <br />Thompson <br />Absent: Robyn Simmons <br />Guests: Rick Cayer; Katy Acheson, Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce; Mackenzie Ryan, <br />Mashpee Enterprise <br />1. Call Meeting to Order <br />Carol Sherman opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. <br />2. Approval of 7/26/2022 minutes <br />Denise Dutson moved that the committee approve the 7/26/2022 minutes, Glenn Thompson <br />seconded, the committee approved. <br />3. Finance Report: The EDIC had a balance of $305,295.95 in its money market account and <br />$23,788.48 in the checking account. Interest earned was $45.66. <br />4. Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce Update <br />Katy Acheson gave an update about initiatives the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce is involved <br />with. <br />Housing: The Chamber is a partner in the Housing to Protect Cape Cod Initiative (along with the <br />Housing Assistance Corporation, Cape Cod & Islands Association of Realtors, CapeBuilt <br />Companies, and Homebuilders & REmodelers of Cape Cod). Over 400 people attended the <br />November 3 Housing to Protect Cape Cod Summit, where information about housing and ways <br />to get involved were discussed. Housing to Protect Cape Cod is encouraging residents to speak <br />at town meetings in support of year-round housing that is affordable. <br />Childcare: Childcare is the second biggest hurdle of economic growth. Mashpee is one of the <br />top areas for early childcare through the schools, however, childcare for children under 3 is stil <br />difficult to find. The Chamber assembled a small childcare and early childhood education task <br />force; they will meet in January to start looking at applications for small grants to businesses to <br />help employees. The grants come from state funds earmarked for Barnstable County; the <br />Chamber is acting as the fiscal agent of this program. <br />Commercial Driver's License: Katy brought Cape Cod Community College and the Upper Cape <br />Tech and Cape Cod Regional Tech together to discuss the issues they are facing. This resulted <br />