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Ms. McElroy noted that much of the parcel, as mapped, is estimated habitat. It is <br /> the Cape:Cod Commission recommendation that as much information as possible be, <br /> gathered regarding the resources in this area, as well as a filing with the Natural Heritage <br /> and Endangered Species Prograinfinformation Request. <br /> Much of the area has also been studied by BioCorps, a Natural Heritage project <br /> for identification of the most critical habitat resources in the Commonwealth, and which <br /> should be used as a planning tool. The identified areas are critical by nature of the habitat <br /> they provide, as well as the complexity of the ecological relationships that occur in the <br /> area. <br /> The Cape Cod Commission review process requires development proposals on <br /> new sites to prepare a natural resources inventory whereby a biologist would evaluate the <br /> site according to a specific protocol. Additional investigations may be required in the <br /> event the Cape Cod Commission is asked to permit an area in order to determine there are <br /> no adverse impacts on rare and endangered species. <br /> Ile Chairman clarified that the Planning Board should consider this area to be the <br /> most sensitive parcel in terms of planning and that the Board will require all of the <br /> necessary information to make a sound decision regarding the development of the Trout <br /> Pond parcel. <br /> Mr. Storrs agreed to begin to gather the necessary information. <br /> The Town Planner suggested that this,process begin with the extensive <br /> information provided in the MEPA 2000 filing,regarding,natural resource and open <br /> space. <br /> The Chairman suggested that as the materials,are provided, further discussions <br /> will take place. <br /> The Chairman then suggested that an agenda be established for future meetings. <br /> Mr. Rowley requested information be provided to him with regard to the current <br /> drainage patterns; to which Mr. Storrs agreed. <br /> The Chairman informed Mr. Storrs that the Board will be greatly interested in <br /> information regarding the management of stormwater on site and the Board considers this <br /> to be an extremely important issue. <br /> The Chairman identified the following issues of concern for future discussion and <br /> review: Natural Resources, Water Resource, Traffic, Stormwater, as well as the Town's <br /> Zoning Bylaws that will dictate the development of this project. <br /> Mr. Storrs agreed to provide a list of uses and brief explanation of the proposed <br /> development for consideration under the planning process. <br /> 12 <br />