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East Steeple Street—There have been plans to construct a street that would tie <br /> into Donna's Lane at some point. There are three comers of this street that require <br /> further definition. <br /> Trout Pond—East Steeple Street would be carried across with either a civic or <br /> spiritual building as a bookend to East Steeple Street. <br /> (Mr. Rowley arrived at the meeting at this point 6:13 pm.) <br /> Thomas O'Hara inquired about proposed traffic lights and the possibility of <br /> connecting Commercial Street to Steeple Street. <br /> (Joseph Mullin arrived at the meeting at this point 6:15 p.m.) <br /> Mr. Storrs stated that the master plan has always shown four signals in order to <br /> meter traffic, with the ability to control the green lights. He will assume responsibility to <br /> design,construct, and operate (with Planning Board approval) said signals and then turn <br /> it over to the Town. <br /> Mr. Storrs spoke to the possibility of constructing a road that does not merge at <br /> Route 28 from Trout Pond. He stressed the importance of fewer curb cuts. <br /> The issue of wastewater has also been discussed with the Cape Cod Commission. <br /> There is a capacity to treat approximately 600,000 gallons (this is in excess capacity of <br /> 300, 000). There is also a capacity for areas around the rotary to tie into the wastewater <br /> system, which is part of the long-range wastewater master plan. <br /> Discussion <br /> Natural Resources <br /> The Chairman made reference to a letter received from Mary Kelleher, President <br /> of the Cape Cod Bird Club with reference to Trout Pond. She included a list of birds that <br /> use the area in and around Trout Pond during the winter,migration,and breeding; as well <br /> as a list of bird species that she has personally documented. <br /> The Chairman then recognized Heather McElroy,Natural Resources Specialist for <br /> the Cape Cod Commission,who shared the following information with regard to the <br /> Trout Pond area and the Cape Cod Commission process. <br /> Ms. McElroy commented that much of the Trout Pond parcel is now mapped as <br /> rare species habitat. The extent of the estimated habitat area has expanded from prior <br /> maps prepared by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. <br /> References were being made to the Rare Species Map. <br />