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Mr. Storrs reviewed the following options: Slow speeds going into the rotary; <br /> research other bypass possibilities; decrease rotary diameter; eliminate rotary curb cuts; <br /> plan to include long-term solutions; timing of signals between the State and Town; <br /> consideration of a round-about at Donna's Lane and Great Neck Road South; and plan for <br /> potential right of way at Route 28, east of the rotary. <br /> The Town Planner suggested Mr. Storrs study the geometry of Route 28 as well. <br /> Mr. Rowley asked whether or not a traffic study would be completed and <br /> submitted to the Planning Board for their review. If possible,he suggested the consultant <br /> develop an actual movable,a tool to show the traffic flow. <br /> Mr. Storrs responded that yes, a study would be provided and would include trip <br /> generation numbers, as well as distribution within the network. The existing traffic <br /> system will dictate the possibilities. <br /> The Town Planner asked about Commission requirements with regard to,traffic <br /> studies. <br /> Glen Cannon agreed that a traffic study would be required at some point if and <br /> when a formal Development Agreement is created. <br /> The Chairman made reference to a letter received from the Consulting Engineer <br /> dated August 15,2008,regarding a summary of the topographical and soils data as <br /> provided by Douglas Storrs. She provided copies for Board Member review. <br /> The Chairman suggested that the next topic of discussion scheduled for the <br /> September 3,,2008 Meeting(6:00-7:30 p.m.) should be Water Resources, Water Supply <br /> and Wastewater Treatment, Popponnesset Bay IMDL, and Stormwater Low Impact <br /> Development Practices, <br /> Discussion <br /> Brian Nickerson—MMR Master Planner—RPP Map Designation for MMR <br /> The Chairman called this matter to order and recognized Brian Nickerson who <br /> spoke to plans for the southeastern portion of the Base. He explained that this portion of <br /> the Base is the highest concentration of non-retail, non-tourist, commercial buildings <br /> located within Mashpee. <br /> There are plans for construction of three(3)major buildings over the next ten- <br /> years, which will be the location for the consolidation of the transitional 102"d <br /> Intelligence Wing. <br /> At the last Meeting the Planning Board voted to identify this area as Resource <br /> Protection. Mr. Nickerson has been working with the Cape Cod Commission to identify <br /> this area as a major economic influence for the upper Cape, as 500 to 1000 jobs will be <br /> 11 <br />