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in an email to him by Virginia. He left the meeting at that point, saying on his way out that he <br />had filed a request for public records regarding emails to Conservation Agent. <br />• Sheryl has created a chart for gardeners to sign, indicating whether they are willing to share <br />their email address and phone number with other gardeners. This would guide the Board in <br />terms of contact information to be sent out for gardeners, many of whom have expressed an <br />interest in being able to communicate personally with their fellow gardeners. <br />• Terrie Cook helped Virginia create an email address for MCGAC. Virginia is having difficulty <br />getting those emails to forward to her personal gmail account but is working to get that <br />resolved. It now appears at the top of the text on the main page of <br />https://www.i,!nri]un2ygarden-advisory-committee. - It is <br />communitvgardenmash ee <br />• Fellow gardener Alan Peterson offered to help any gardeners that are having difficulty <br />cleaning up their garden bed this fall. He said that we could relay his phone number to <br />gardeners; probably will be done via email. <br />I-LIMATI-11M <br />• Invitations have been sent to all gardeners for the Saturday, October 22 Garden Celebration <br />and Gathering. Virginia will send out a follow-up email for the event on October 21. She will <br />again remind gardeners who want to garden beyond November 11t to submit a request for <br />approval prior to that date, and that all other gardeners need to clean out their beds by then. <br />An additional request will be made to take tomato cages and any plant poles home since <br />garden shed storage space is limited. <br />• Board members agreed that December Board meeting would be a good time to elect vice- <br />president and appoint committee/task chairs. This will provide an opportunity for <br />involvement of gardeners with each of them as appropriate. Sheryl will create a grid to work <br />from at the meeting. <br />• Sheryl and Virginia met with two new gardeners who had planted a number of perennials in <br />their beds. In response to consideration of annuals vs. perennials that had been a point of <br />discussion among Board members this summer, and the fact that there had been and still was <br />no explicit policy or rule about what kind of flowers could be planted, Sheryl and Virginia <br />recommended that the two gardeners (plots 11 and 14) be grandfathered in regarding what <br />they had planted. The Board will discuss further and based on the following initial <br />considerations, will figure out what to present to gardeners in the future about their plantings: <br />--the community garden was founded primarily for the growing of vegetables, based on the <br />strong public interest in gardening space for food production among Mashpee residents. <br />--Annuals can be beneficial to the vegetables growing in the gardens and are fine to incorporate <br />into beds. They can also be removed at the end of the season as gardeners clean out their beds, <br />thus leaving the community garden looking well-groomed and cared for during the off-season <br />months. <br />--Perennials are often good pollinators, but if planted they should be ones that would not <br />spread to other participants' beds. Consideration should be given to how they continue to grow <br />each year and how they might impact vegetable gardening space. <br />2 <br />