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Mashpee Economic Development Industrial Corporation (EDIC) <br /> Minutes — January 31, 2023 <br /> 6:00 PM <br /> Ockway Meeting Room <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Carol Sherman, Robyn Simmons, Pamela McCarthy, Patrice Pimental, Glenn <br /> Thompson <br /> Absent: Denise Dutson <br /> Guest: Rick Cayer, Julie Quintero-Schulz <br /> 1. Call Meeting to Order <br /> Carol Sherman opened the meeting at 6:01 p.m. <br /> 2. Approval of minutes <br /> • EDIC minutes of 11/29/2022; Patrice Pimental moved the committee approve the <br /> minutes, Glenn Thompson seconded, the committee approved. <br /> 3. Finance Report <br /> Robyn reported that the EDIC's regular checking account has a balance of$23,788.48, savings <br /> has a balance of$305,316.36, and the CD rolled over for another 17 months at a higher interest <br /> rate (3.93%). It was agreed to take $100,000 out of the money market account and put it into a <br /> CD. <br /> 4. Old Business <br /> Comprehensive Plan-Carol Sherman attended the meeting at the library last week. She was <br /> impressed; the firm went over the how they will compile the information and present it. <br /> 5. New Business <br /> Glenn Thompson moved the board vote to recommend Rick Cayer be appointed to the board; <br /> Patrice Pimental seconded. The board voted to recommend his appointment to the EDIC. Carol <br /> will present this to the Select Board. <br /> Insurance: Pamela McCarthy moved that the EDIC pay their annual premium for insurance; <br /> Robyn Simmons seconded, with a unanimous vote in favor. <br /> Speakers: Committee members discussed potential speakers/guests for upcoming meetings, <br /> including Open Cape, Buff Chace of Mashpee Commons, and the current chair of the Economic <br /> Development Committee of the Wampanoag Tribe. Carol will talk to David Weeden to find out <br /> who the current chair is (it was Winnie Johnson-Graham but may have changed). <br /> Julie Quintero-Schultz, Executive Director, Mashpee Chamber of Commerce: The new executive <br /> director of the chamber came to introduce herself and talk with the EDIC about ways the <br />