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Chamber and the EDIC could collaborate. She previously sat on the board of the MCOC and <br /> worked at the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce. <br /> Mashpee Guide for Business: Julie said she can digitize it. The Chamber is creating an economic <br /> development page; this could go on that as well as other information, such as grants that are <br /> available to businesses. The new MCOC website will go live on 2/13. <br /> She also talked about connecting small businesses to resources. The Chamber can help with <br /> things like the Barn (which is "shovel ready" and which the EDIC talked about redeveloping), <br /> tourism, and marketing. The MCOC and the EDIC could (for example) work together to apply for <br /> bigger grants to redesign/improve building facades (such as the Barn). <br /> She also talked about industry roundtables—like minded businesses, for example, construction <br /> related industries in the meeting coming up in April. These roundtables will be way for the <br /> Chamber to learn more about the concerns these industries have and the challenges they face. <br /> Julie said that small businesses ask for help with marketing, finance, human resources, and <br /> housing (as it is challenging to hire if there is no housing employees can secure and afford). <br /> Housing-Mashpee Commons came up; Julie asked about the status of their housing and if the <br /> town was supportive of the Commons. Carol said the Planning and Zoning boards asked them <br /> to finish what they originally planned and then come back with their next project. Julie said that <br /> the Commons' retail spaces are filled and that they are now looking to fill office space. <br /> Julie and the committee members talked about ways to provide grants to small business owners <br /> or new entrepreneurs-the EDIC has funds, and Julie could help applicants with the process or <br /> vet the requests. The EDIC could award the grants. This would not be an incubator like E-for-All <br /> but more about getting resources to small businesses that need them. <br /> The Chamber is usually neutral but there may be some issues (such as housing) where Julie <br /> thinks it would be appropriate for them to voice their support. Carol suggested a letter in support <br /> of the housing proposed for across the Quashnet School. <br /> Comprehensive plan-Julie will likely be the liaison to learn about the comprehensive plan. <br /> 6. Chairman Updates: Carol would lie the EDIC to offer to pay for the title search for the <br /> Commercial Street lot. She will talk to Evan Lehrer about it before bringing it back to the <br /> committee for a vote. <br /> Next meeting: February 2, 2023 <br /> Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM. <br /> Respectfully submitted by Pamela McCarthy <br />