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<br /> <br />Approval of Minutes: <br />01/31/2023 <br />Mr. Lehrer moved to approve the minutes as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Avis. This <br />unanimously approved. <br /> <br /> 03/28/2023 <br />Mr. Lehrer moved to approve the minutes as presented, which was seconded by Ms.Wyman - <br />Colombo. These were unanimously approved by the members present at the meeting. <br /> <br />Old Business <br /> <br />Planning for Public Meeting #2 \[Public Engagement\] <br /> <br />It was agreed that having the meeting in July would make sense. It was thought there would be <br />more participation. Everyone felt that public meeting #1 was a success. <br /> <br />The New Seabury area and population needs to be more involved in the process. The members <br />discussed formats drop in or formal presentation. Ms. Fisher suggested having a flyer and <br />posted around town. They would also utilize existing homeowner email addresses to get the <br />word out. The idea was for different tables to leave comments or have an email address to send <br />comments to. It was suggested that there should be a drop in for the transfer station. <br />\[collocated with other areas or events as well\] <br /> <br />The idea is to get more input. <br /> <br />Ms. Wyman-Colombo suggested that a meeting at New Seabury to get seasonal residents <br />should be structured and brief, but more formalized. Ms. Wyman-Colombo liked the transfer <br />station area idea as well. <br /> <br />Regarding tables, it was suggested that the goal was to have people move from table to table <br />instead of lingering at one table. <br /> <br />The document produced from the last meeting was several pages long. The suggestion was to <br />make the document into a 1-page document that could be sent out with each department having <br />4 or 5 main bullet points. <br /> <br />Mr. Cook noted seeing a notice would indicate that something is going to change. However, <br />Mr. Lehrer noted it was for the community to define action items (or status quo). Ms. Fisher <br />reiterated that it was a 2-year planning process and action items would be identified and added. <br />Ms. Fisher noted that the planning process never really ends. However, the Commonwealth <br />will follow up once the plan is approved to see where the Town was. (10-year renewal review) <br /> <br />Mr. Lehrer noted that there should be some sort of baseline items identified. <br /> <br />The action plan Ms. Fisher put forward was brainstorming for locations. (Transfer Station, <br />Chamber of Commerce, Community Picnic, Stop & Shop, etc.). It was suggested that the <br />Committee could alternate between locations. <br /> <br />