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01/25/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
01/25/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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WM dap <br />�,���'k'B�&PIIXpIIA�m <br />16 Great Neck Road North <br />-Mashpee, 3Wassachusetts 02649 <br />Vision Statement: <br />They will introduce what a vision is, the actual statement, and principals that guide the <br />statement. This is the overarching vision that everything leads up to. Once the presentation is <br />complete, they will circle back to input edits from Board members. <br />Ms. Sweet continued by discussing high level goals with desired outcomes. The policies are a <br />statement that will guide decision making with certain decision makers. Actions are <br />measurable acts the town will take towards implementation to bring achievement to overall <br />goals. <br />Example: <br />Goal — Protect terrestrial and aquatic habitats for long term benefits. <br />Policy — Identify areas for coastal and habitat restoration to enhance and improve overall <br />habitat conditions. <br />Actions — Maintain navigational channels for not only navigation but for stream and tidal flow. <br />This is overseen by DCR, Select Board, and Conservation Commission with an ongoing <br />timeframe. (The lead responsible party will be bolded with supporting roles listed alongside). <br />Every action can go back to a policy, and every policy can go back to a goal. A short term <br />timeframe is defined by 0-3 years. A medium term timeframe is defined by 4-7 years. A long <br />term timeframe is 8+ years. Ongoing is continuous with no defined end or beginning. It could <br />be coupled with a short term action, and result in something continuing beyond a stopping <br />timeframe. Cost can be identified with dollar signs, but maybe there won't be a cost identified. <br />Mr. Lehrer can maintain an implementation table to better facilitate as a static document to <br />ensure flexibility. Cost and priorities could get moved into a dynamic document maintained by <br />the Planning Department, and adjusted by the Board. There can also be overarching themes <br />such as water quality. <br />Homework: <br />It is strongly recommended the Board review the draft word document of all goals and actions. <br />Edits can be provided in written format, with or without track changes, they can work with <br />whatever is provided. Mr. Lehrer will collect this feedback, consolidate to eliminate <br />redundancy, then provide to the consultants. Significant changes will then be decided on by <br />the Board. There is a tangible copy in the packet for edits, or the track changes can be done <br />on the word document via the email Mr. Lehrer provided to the Board. <br />Survey Results: <br />49 Questions <br />2 <br />
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