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01/25/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
01/25/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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16 Great Neck Road Worth <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br />620 Responses <br />It was open for 5 weeks <br />Next Steps: <br />- Finalize Chapters <br />- Review and edit goals, policies, and actions <br />- Finalize implementation Table: Implementation table has been initiated but it won't be <br />populated too much before Board input <br />- Provide draft maps for review <br />The survey was a large piece of public participation and W&S will provide a better summary. <br />The appendix of the plan will provide all questions and answers from the survey. Each chapter <br />will state a brief summary highlighting the survey as it relates to that specific chapter. <br />Mr. Balzarini wants the Planning Board to be able to prioritize items such as water bodies <br />based on items that are in poor shape. Money will be an issue, but he wants the money to go <br />towards what is needed most. <br />Ms. Sweet does not recommend prioritization in the actual plan itself, but to extrapolate and <br />work on items through a working document. Factors such as funding and political will can <br />affect the priorities. The Planning Board can address the working document biannually and <br />discuss the issues or reorder tasks based on circumstances. Short term, medium term, and <br />long term looks at a few items such as funding and how great of a task it is. It would not be <br />wise to take on all the large term items all at once. She would suggest one or two long term <br />items at a time. <br />Mr. Balzarini brought up form based code. <br />Mr. Lehrer noted the 1998 LCP had actions that required carryover. These were items <br />mentioned during workshops and engagement as priorities. Actions were more specific for <br />planning best practices. Form Based Code is just a consideration. He did not want to omit <br />anything but also allow for discussion. <br />Mr. Richardson likes the format that was presented through goals, policies, actions, and <br />timeframe. He doesn't necessarily like the term ongoing as it leaves a lot of vagueness. Ms. <br />Sweet recommended using ongoing alongside a short, medium, or long term as a project is <br />being initiated. It is not a change to the zoning ordinance it's an initiative that doesn't want to <br />end, like a long term policy. <br />3 <br />
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