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-2- <br /> Naomi Walker of the Tribe will be cleaning the headstones at all four of the cemeteries as <br /> soon as weather permits. This work was included as Article 29 of the 1975 Town Meeting <br /> and it was unanimously approved, but it has never been completed. All abutters will be <br /> notified by Catherine similar to what she did before any work was done at Lakewood. The <br /> goal is to complete all this work before end of summer of 2024. The Mashpee Historical <br /> Commission will be the sponsor of this project. The historical naming of the cemeteries <br /> will be brought up at a later meeting. The total budget to complete the project will be <br /> $73,640. Richard made a motion that the Mashpee Historical Commission vote to submit <br /> the application to CPC for the funding for the Restoration of these Ancient Burying <br /> Grounds; Joan seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. <br /> Mashpee Public Library <br /> Kathy Mahoney received a request from the Barcelona Contemporary Culture Center, <br /> and they are doing a project on the stereotypical village of United States suburbs. They <br /> want to do a subsection on new urbanism, and they want some information on the <br /> Mashpee Commons. Richard made a motion to have Rosemary follow up with Kathy, <br /> and it was seconded by Joan, and it was voted unanimously. <br /> Ava would like us to consider thinkingi of someone to fill the vacancy on the Commission. <br /> We should get back to her with suggestions. <br /> Richard is working with Signarama to design the Mashpee River signs. He asked the <br /> Tribe to have the Wampanoak Language on the river signs, but Jessie Baird got back to <br /> him and said, "no because the rivers were taken away from them." He will also check <br /> with the Town Manager before he gets any signs made up. <br /> Joan made a motion to adjourn, Richard seconded; it was voted unanimously at 5:30 pm. <br /> Respectfully submitted <br /> Ann Graham, Sr. Clerk <br />