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tl I <br /> Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br /> Committee <br /> July 25,2023 7:00 PM <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Meeting called by: Debi McManus <br /> Type of meeting: Monthly <br /> Secretary: Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Barbara Nichols, Paul Bibo <br /> Guests: <br /> The minutes of the June 27 2023 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Paul Bibo and <br /> second by Debi McManus. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [Agenda topic 1] Lake level/River outflow <br /> Discussion: Debi did the lake measurements on July Is'and 16"'. The were 55.4 and 55.2 feet above sea <br /> level. There were 13 inches of water were flowing over the board closest to the lake both times. On the <br /> 1 st. there were 12 inches of water in the stream and 13 inches on the 16th. The new metal gauge by DPW <br /> decreased from 13 to 12.5 inches during this time period. Barbara measured 7.32 inches of rain in her <br /> gauge from mid- June to mid-July. Levels were reported to Drew in Conservation. Barbara emailed Drew <br /> about the gauge being dirty and difficult to read. He emailed back on July 6th that he had cleaned the <br /> gauge and widened the path. <br /> _.... ... _..... ------------ _ ........ <br /> Conclusions: The water levels have decreased slightly despite increased precipitation. <br /> [Agenda topic 2] Cyanobacteria in Mashpee <br /> Wakeby <br /> Discussion: The recent cyanobacteria bloom lasted a total of 26 days, especially lingering in Wakeby <br /> Lake. It is hoped the scientists doing the lake study will be able to shed some light on the cause of the <br /> bloom occurring at the end of June the past 2 years. The lake is looking clearer and tests in levels safe for <br /> pets and swimming. <br /> ............... ..... _..........._w-_.. _ w......... ... ......_. . _ ...__ __.. _ _. _ ...._..._ .._........ . ..... ...... <br /> Conclusions: The cyanobacteria outbreak lasted longer this year and was more widespread. <br />