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<br />the transfer station, Ms. Fisher thought there should be a survey ready to hand out. <br />Regarding engagement at the Tuesday night concerts, Mr. Lehrer noted it was the worst <br />engagement opportunity last year. Ms. Fisher noted they were unsure where the survey <br />stood at the moment with UHI still gathering data. There was some discussion of <br />handing out 3X5 cards to facilitate outreach (QR Code). Mr. Lehrer noted the picnic <br />was successful outreach. Mr. Lehrer believed to reach residents the grocery market <br />would be a good venue. Mr. Lehrer went on to suggest National Night Out as a <br />possible option. Mr. Lehrer also threw out football games as a possible option for <br />September. Ms. Fisher closed by asking for future suggestions from the Committee. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br /> Falmouth and Barnstable Involvement – Ms. Fisher definitely sees involvement in <br />aquaculture and shellfish enforcement. Ms. Fisher asked for thoughts from Committee <br />members on this issue. Mr. Avis thought there should be a beginning conversation on <br />what extent Falmouth and Barnstable want to be involved for stakeholder meetings. <br />Ms. Fisher noted nothing has been set in writing regarding a shellfish agreement noting <br />there are people shellfishing on the Barnstable side. (This is a particular issue if in a <br />contaminated area). Ms. Uiterwijk expressed support in helping with a MOU in the <br />future. Ms. Fisher noted that the dredging has been a Mashpee endeavor where the <br />Barnstable residents benefit. Of particular concern is the tagging from Popponesset even <br />though from Barnstable side. Mr. Cook noted that it was on their land but thought there <br />should be a monetary contribution toward dredging. Mr. Noonan brought up the <br />involvement of Ken Bates sharing dredging history (transferring that knowledge to Mr. <br />Tomaino) and delineating the boundaries with Barnstable. <br /> <br /> Scientific Community Involvement – Ms. Fisher wanted to bring up the need for <br />involvement in particular for Waquoit Bay since it is so heavily studied for stakeholder <br />meetings. (WHOI, WBNERR, APCC, Cape Cod Commission, Barnstable County <br />Cooperative Extension). <br /> <br /> Documents to Review <br /> <br />o Final LCP/Dredging – Ms. Fisher asked Mr. Lehrer to provide the LCP as well <br />as the dredging documents. Mr. Lehrer noted he has relevant portions he could <br />provide. Mr. Tomaino also has many documents. Mr. Bates also has files that <br />could be useful. Ms. Novelly asked about mitigation plans being available. <br />Regarding drafting plans, Mr. Lehrer indicated he was working on a document <br />(plan development in six weeks). Mr. Lehrer indicated he has a lot of maps that <br />have been identified that show places. Mr. Lehrer noted the 86 map was <br />problematic with no supporting documentation (“Just lines on a map”). Ms. <br />Fisher came back to meeting with the Historical Commission request – Mr. <br />Lehrer believes they will respond after they meet and are very responsive. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />