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of the HMPC was considered highly successful with a large public turnout. Discussion on <br /> venue for next public meeting. Possible change in format to a "drop in" style meeting in a <br /> common public setting to be determined (location ideas included local supermarket, transfer <br /> station, public beach among other possible venues) <br /> Update on Notice to Proceed: Consultants stated they are still waiting on <br /> feedback/comments from MA Coastal Zone Management & MA Executive Office of <br /> Environmental Affairs. Feedback expected soon. <br /> Next Steps: Extended discussion amongst attendees on identifying additional stakeholders <br /> to be notified of Harbor Management Plan/Committee to solicit feedback. Stakeholders <br /> include marina owners, aquaculture grant holders, dinghy rack holders at town landings, <br /> mooring holders, Save Popponesset Bay Inc. Popponesset Beach Association, local <br /> homeowner associations (New Seabury, South Cape, Pirate's Cove, Monomoscoy Island, <br /> etc). Evan Lehrer compiling a comprehensive stakeholder contact list. Additional <br /> discussion on stakeholders to be identified and contacted and whom would follow up on the <br /> committee. <br /> What should HMC be reviewing?: Discussion on New Seabury stormwater <br /> infrastructure. Richard Noonan volunteered to follow up with local New Seabury <br /> associations for HMPC outreach. Consultants offered to attend a meeting of the New <br /> Seabury Peninsula Council for HMPC outreach and scoping. Dick Cook inquired about <br /> outreach to all town residents. Discussion ensued. Drew McManus recommended <br /> assessment/review of the status of naturally vegetated buffer strips in coastal communities <br /> directly abutting water bodies and water ways. <br /> New Business: <br /> Public Survey: Consultants will work on public survey content based on March irt' HMPC <br /> public scoping meeting & public feedback from break out table discussions. Survey will go <br /> out after next public meeting. Consultants will provide draft survey to committee <br /> members for review prior to public roll out. Discussion on survey format-Evan Lehrer <br /> offered format suggestions based on Local Comprehensive Plan public survey. Suggestion <br /> to include public schools and police department for survey roll out. Discussion on electronic <br /> trolley idea. <br /> Planning for zndpublic meeting: Discussion on general timelines. Estimated scheduling for <br /> next public scoping meeting in June, 2023 to reach seasonal resident population (exact date <br /> to be determined). Additional discussion on possible venues, "drop in" style format. <br /> Additional discussion on action items, stakeholder contacts and next steps. <br /> Motion for meetin adjournment: Evan Lehrer. Motion seconded b Richard Noonan. Roll <br /> call vote for meeting adjournment: Unanimous vote 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. <br /> March 28d', z023 HMPC meeting minutes submitted by Drew McManus, Secretary <br />