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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br />MASHPEE HIGH SCHOOL <br />500 OLD BARNSTABLE ROAD <br />MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br />ANNUAL TOWN MEETING <br />MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2023 <br />Town Meeting convened at 7:16PM <br />Voters Present: 604 <br />Quorum: 0 <br />Barnstable, ss: <br />Greetings to the Constables of the Town, <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and summon the <br />inhabitants of the Town of Mashpee who are qualified to vote in the elections to meet at the Mashpee High <br />School on Monday, the 16th day of October 2023 at 7:00 p.m. for the following purposes: <br />To act on the articles contained in the following Warrant: <br />Article 1 <br />To see if the Town will vote to transfer from available funds and/or borrow and appropriate the stun of <br />$7,500,000 for the planning and design of wastewater collection, treatment and effluent recharge <br />initiatives in the Town of Mashpee, and all costs and expenses incidental and related thereto, including costs <br />relating to the acquisition of necessary easements and other interests in real property; and to meet this <br />appropriation, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Select Board, be authorized to borrow said amount tinder <br />M.G.L. Chapter 44, sections 7 and/or 8 or any other enabling authority and to issue such bonds or notes as may <br />be necessary for such purpose; provided, however, that this appropriation and debt authorization shall be <br />contingent upon passage of a Proposition 2i/2, so-called, debt exclusion ballot question exempting from the <br />provisions of said Proposition 2i/2 the amounts required to pay the principal and interest on bonds, notes or <br />certificates of indebtedness issued for this purpose pursuant to General Laws Chapter 59, §21C(k), or take any <br />other action relating thereto. <br />Submitted by the Select Board and the Sewer Commission <br />Explanation: This article would appropriate funds and authorize the borrowing thereof, contingent upon <br />the successful passage of a debt exclusion ballot question, for the planning and design of wastewater <br />collection, treatment and effluent recharge initiatives in the Town of Mashpee and costs/ expenses incidental <br />and related thereto, including costs relating to the acquisition of necessary easements and other interests in real <br />property. This project is the next step approved by the Sewer Commission and the Select Board in <br />implementing the Town's Watershed Nitrogen Management Plan/CWMP. This article requires a 2/3 vote. <br />(Note thatfor this Article to become effective authorization of the debt exclusion by ballot question is also <br />required.) <br />The Select Board recommends approval of Article 1 by a vote of 4-0 <br />The Finance Committee recommends approval of Article 1 by a vote of 7-0 <br />