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Motion made by Select Board Member Cotton: <br />I move that the Town vote to appropriate the sum of $7,500,000 for the planning and design of <br />wastewater collection, treatment and effluent recharge initiatives in the Town of Mashpee, and all <br />costs and expenses incidental and related thereto, including costs relating to the acquisition of necessary <br />easements and other interests in real property; and to meet this appropriation, that the sum of Three <br />Million Dollars ($3,000,000) be transferred from revenue available for appropriation (Free Cash) and the <br />Treasurer, with the approval of the Select Board, be authorized to borrow the amount of Four Million <br />Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,500,000) under M.G.L. Chapter 44, sections 7 and/or 8 or any other <br />enabling authority and to issue such bonds or notes as may be necessary for such purpose; provided, <br />however, that this debt authorization shall be contingent upon passage of a Proposition 21/2 , so- <br />called, debt exclusion ballot question exempting from the provisions of said Proposition 21/2 the amounts <br />required to pay the principal and interest on bonds, notes or certificates of indebtedness issued for this <br />purpose pursuant to General Laws Chapter 59, §21C(k). <br />Motion passes 512 to 65 at 7:44PM <br />Motion made by Select Board Member Cotton: <br />I move that the Town vote to dispense with the reading of the Annual Town Meeting warrant articles. <br />Article 2 <br />To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaws by adding the following new subsections into <br />Article XI: Floodplain Zone Overlay as follows: <br />§174-67 Prohibitions <br />The purpose of this section is to encourage use of more resilient, safer, and more <br />environmentally beneficial construction methods in the Floodplain Zone Overlay District. It <br />is not intended to otherwise restrict or prevent construction of a new or redeveloped dwelling <br />or other allowable structure. <br />No person shall fill, place or dump in any flood hazard area within the Floodplain Zone <br />Overlay District any soil, loam, peat, sand, gravel, rock or other material substance, refuse, <br />trash, rubbish, debris or dredged material for the purposes of raising their first floor elevation <br />to be at or above the base flood elevation. Solid wall foundations with flood vents or pilings <br />are the only acceptable construction methods within the Floodplain Zone Overlay District. <br />No Letters of Map Revision based on Fill (LOMR-Fs) or Letters of Map Amendment Based <br />on Fill (LOMA-F) will be permitted. <br />Conventional Title V Septic System technologies shall not be permitted within the <br />Floodplain Zone Overlay District and a Board of Health approved Innovative/Alternative <br />septic system is required pursuant to Board of Health Regulations. <br />W <br />