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Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />school incident was discussed at the Coalition meeting and some members wrote a Letter to <br />the Editor of the Enterprise and Cape Cod Times. <br /> <br />Race Amity Day 2023 <br />Mr. Kupferman and Ms. Kent are Co- Chairing the RAD subcommittee. Mr. Kupferman asked <br />for more volunteers. He noted Mr. Klein is on the committee as well as Ms. Hicks who is no <br />longer on MIDC. He noted the Donovan’s will also be helping. <br /> <br />Ms. Johnson-Graham said she can help out. She can attend the meeting tomorrow and she <br />asked if they have the bounce house and clowns. Ms. DeBoer is doing some printing. Ms. Kent <br />noted the time for RAD will be June 11th 12p-4p. They are looking into an earlier start time. <br /> <br />Ms. Kent also brought up the Powwow in Bermuda that a lot of Tribal members will be <br />attending. That might impact the drumming and dancing with the Tribe. Ms. Johnson- Graham <br />said they could find people for drumming/singing. She also noted the second Sunday is always <br />their General Body meeting. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Film Options on the Holocaust for Community/School Showings <br />Ms. Stevenson has been approached with a request to sponsor the program. She will discuss <br />this at the next meeting. It could be scheduled for Holocaust Remembrance Day next January. <br /> <br />Guest Speaker – Rebecca Hopwood: Veterans United <br />Ms. Hopwood had a conflict during this meeting but she will come to a future meeting to speak <br />to the Committee. <br /> <br />Interview for New Voting Member Rolf Brandt <br />Ms. Stevenson is pleased to report that Mr. Brandt applied for the open position as a Member <br />At Large. His interview will be held at the April meeting. His resume/letter was forwarded to the <br />Committee for review. Rachel Hicks has resigned from MIDC but will serve on the Race Amity <br />Day Committee. <br /> <br />OTHER TOPICS NOT ANTICIPATED BY CHAIR <br />Ms. Johnson-Graham will be hosting a film about cancer and carcinogens. She has done one <br />prior about The Devil We Know, the Teflon pans that were causing cancer. Birds were flying <br />over the smoke stacks and dropping dead. Women had maternity birth defects and cancers. <br />She will host the movie and have a discussion panel with a professor, doctors, and the Breast <br />Cancer Coalition. She will inform the Committee of when that will be. <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />