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Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />Ms. Johnson-Graham emphasized that we don’t need names, just data like age and gender. <br />She will speak with Tribal Members about not having to provide names but she thinks some <br />members will be forthright with their names due to their personal struggles in how they got <br />there. Mr. Kupferman stated he would like to write about both authorities and what great things <br />they are doing. He would have statistics but he wants to personalize it by providing people’s <br />experiences and what it meant to them to get the housing or discuss whatever problems they <br />are having since living there. <br /> <br />Coalition Meeting <br />Mr. Kupferman was asked to provide an update. He did not attend the meeting but he viewed <br />the recording. They were talking about communications with schools, what is going on, and <br />how they can reach out for more student participation. We are fortunate to have the <br />Superintendent on this Committee, as well as Student Representatives. <br /> <br />Human Rights Club – Diversity Day & Who We Are <br />Ms. DeBoer noted April 3rd is the Senior Project Night with the Hall of Flags where they will <br />also be hanging last years Who We Are project. Amna stated there is an agenda and the <br />music department will have a performance. Who We Are is going to be mid to end of May. Ms. <br />Johnson-Graham thinks Diversity Day should be all week. Ms. DeBoer noted a two assembly <br />day would be helpful and to split up grade levels. <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />Town Budget and Grants <br />Mr. Kupferman commented about the MASS Cultural Council having additional funding and <br />requests so it’s been delayed and the Committee will hear next week if the funds were <br />awarded. There is a request in to Mr. Collins for the FY2024 budget and will be addressed at <br />May Town Meeting. The request was for $5,000 but the submission was for $2,000 to come <br />out of Human Services Budget. This year they have $500 that will be used for Race Amity Day. <br />MASS Cultural would bring in $2,500. <br /> <br />Follow up – Additional wording in Purpose Statement <br />Ms. Stevenson submitted the request to the Select Board for the inclusion of the word <br />‘belonging’. She has an e-mail to Mr. Collins regarding the status. Welcome and Belonging <br />Action Plan Postponed until next meeting. <br /> <br />Follow Up to School Incident <br />The schools are continuing to offer trainings for kids around bullying. Next Tuesday the school <br />is offering a second session for parents/ caregivers and Ms. DeBoer will send the link. The <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />