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Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />see. Mr. Kupferman went to Town Hall, as well as another reporting citizen Richard DeSorga. <br />Jayden Bryant voiced her concerns as well, because it wasn’t being taken care of fast enough. <br />This is just representative of the culture in this country. Chairwoman wrote to the acting Police <br />Chief and he was turning it over to the detective unit. <br /> <br />Mr. Kupferman noted there was a sign by Kenmark that said there were cameras but there are <br />not. There are cameras at the front of Town Hall, so as a result there will now be camera <br />coverage around the entire building. There was also a tag on the side of the Town Hall <br />building. <br /> <br />Ms. Stevenson wondered if this was all local to this side of town, if you walked down the street <br />would they find other things tagged? This information can then be shared and tracked to see if <br />it happened in other towns. That would be helpful information. <br /> <br />Ayesha stated she will touch base with the Barnstable Human Rights Commission to see if this <br />is occurring in other areas. <br /> <br />Ms. Stevenson stated the most recent column from Friday was on Women’s Equality Day. She <br />commented it was wonderful. She then referenced the Barbie movie that is newly in theatres <br />and how every age group experiences this movie in different ways, which is fun. <br /> <br />Coalition <br />There are now 35 different DEI committees. She would like Mr. Fahd’s assistance with <br />creating this facebook page for the Coalition. They meet once a month on Zoom, and it is <br />comprised of members from towns across Cape Cod and the South Shore. <br /> <br />Human Rights Club and Who We Are <br />The Human Rights Academy in Osterville gathers all Human Rights Clubs from across the <br />Cape. <br /> <br />Ayesha commented about the many different diversities across the Cape, not just what we see <br />in Mashpee. Aiman noted they will be giving presentations on the minorities from Who We Are. <br />Deb Troyanos is the advisor involved in the Who We Are project. <br /> <br />Ms. Stevenson discussed the reception for Who We Are at the Mashpee Public Library with <br />the Department Heads and leaders from town government. She wished she had a broader <br />outreach. She was given the idea to host the reception after the Department Head meeting <br />where there would be some crossover. Everyone was very impressed. Brian Weeden and <br />Michaela Colombo were in attendance. Ashley Fisher recommended someone who could <br /> <br />