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Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />moderator and people need to raise issues to drive more traffic. He has added a few articles, <br />most recently about the immigration museum and he provided a link. There needs to be more <br />networking of people and different groups across the platform. He stated people could find the <br />page by typing in key words such as diversity, coalition, and Cape Cod. <br /> <br />Human Rights Club and Diversity Day – Ayesha <br />The Diversity Day date may be postponed to January, nothing is confirmed. They are <br />continuing on the immigration projects. The Human Rights Club is also interested in the <br />holocaust presenter coming, that is important and they think it should happen. <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />Race Amity Day Grant – Dan Kupferman <br />We did not get awarded the grant this year from MA Cultural Council. We do have a $2,000 <br />budget approved, which is an increase of $1,500 from last year. <br /> <br />Chairwoman debriefed Mr. Kupferman regarding the grant and they were inundated with <br />requests this year, 3-5x more requests than last round. We need to consider how we respond <br />in the future to score as high as we can. The Chair will be looking into ways to access more <br />grant money. Cape Cod Five has been a solid supporter of MIDC over the years. There is also <br />a local Mashpee grant we will look into as well. <br /> <br />It was asked if $2,000 is enough, to which the response was yes. Last year, we paid at least <br />$500 to one single performer, this one person was higher than any one individual, but we <br />thought she would bring in attendance and we had the grant money to be able to do so. The <br />biggest expense is always the performers. <br /> <br />MIDC Logo – Aiman Iqbal <br />Picture of proposed logo was passed around to the members. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Tribal Petition Articles for Town Meeting – Guest Brian Weeden via phone Article 10 <br />Brian Weeden- He explained the two petition articles for Town Meeting. <br />The first is for the cemetery expansion, Article 9 is to expand the Old Indian Cemetery. The <br />original vote took place on April 2008 at a special Town Meeting after the Tribe received Tribal <br />recognition. The town authorized the release of the title to the Tribe that authorized the Select <br />Board, on the purpose of expanding the current 8 parcels at Meetinghouse Cemetery. Old <br />Indian Meetinghouse was placed on the National Historical Register of Historic Places, 12 <br />acres, when the original deed included 400 acres. The town and Tribe were in agreement and <br />the Tribe honored deeds for non-tribal members to be buried. The cemetery has non tribal <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />