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*APPROVED* (10-30-2023) 5 <br />*Monday, October 23, 2023 Charter Review Committee Minutes* <br />Don Myers: Working in some role in the Town — both could be successful, right? Deb Kaye: Person <br />works in my office would be more successful than the person that works in another Department, <br />becomes a popularity contest. <br />Don Myers: If you resigned today, who would be your successor? Deb Kaye: My Administrative <br />Assistant <br />Cathy Lewis: There is no Deputy Clerk? Rodney Collins: No <br />Don Myers: Why should the Town Clerk be independent of the Town Manager? Deb Kaye: Town <br />Clerk isn't involved in the politics. Rodney Collins: Are you suggesting the Town Manager is a <br />politician? Deb Kaye: I am talking about what ifs? If there's a vacancy, a Select Board member <br />says to the Town Manager, you need to appoint this person? The person goes through the <br />process and is appointed. <br />Greg McKelvey: Mentioned earlier, Town Clerk only comes in only two days a week, how does <br />he (Town Manager) deal with that? Deb Kaye: I have seen things like this from 20 years ago, <br />because there are more rules and laws every day. These are not things that you have to be elected <br />or appointed, the elected Town Clerk works for the Town residents. <br />Greg McKelvey: When you run for office, you put yourself out there, the residents vet you ... show <br />your credentials Deb Kaye: Yes Rodney Collins: What are those credentials? No job description <br />for Town Clerk. Deb Kaye: Elected official feels more empowered to speak. <br />Greg McKelvey: You feel we should have a Deputy Clerk? Deb Kaye: Yes, it's just a title change. <br />Deb Kaye: Town Clerk can be a nasty supervisor, subject to recall. There are ways to remove a <br />person from office. <br />Greg McKelvey: See any advantage appointed vs elected? Deb Kaye: None. <br />John Miller— Focus on appointed vs elected. <br />Deb Kaye: However, the transition will be a smoother one for Jess (Town Clerk's current <br />Administrative Assistant) with the cross training concept Greg McKelvey: Should have a <br />succession plan. <br />Cathy Lewis: Elected Town Clerk, included in Department Head meetings? Deb Kaye: Yes <br />Cathy Lewis: Appointed, grievance process? Elected? Deb Kaye: Elected, not really. Deb Kaye: I <br />have a very professional staff that works with me .... if Jess were to lose, Jess, Judy and Margo (TC <br />Current Staff) would continue in a professional way. <br />Don Myers: You made a comment to a Town meeting to approve an increase in pay. Deb Kaye: <br />Doesn't come to the Town Meeting Rodney Collins: Her successor could tell the Town Manager <br />to pound sand. <br />John Miller: How many years have you been Town Clerk? Deb Kaye: 1997, 26 years. John Miller: <br />Appointed Town Clerk would be less professional? Deb Kaye: Comes down to the individual. <br />