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1 ashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br /> Committee <br /> September 22,2020 <br /> 7 flo PM <br /> Mas4 �U Tra1!9 Hall.. <br /> Meeting caned by: Debi McManus <br /> Type of e r g:: Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Andees: Members: Brian Mauro, Donald MacDonald, Barbara Nichols,Mike Rapacz <br /> Guests: <br /> The minutes of the January 28, 2020 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Brian Mauro <br /> and second by Don MacDonald. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [Agenda topic 1] Lake level!River avow <br /> Discussion: Brian took the lake measurements every two weeks and Barbara reported them to Drew <br /> MacManus in Conservation. In February, the lake level was at 55.8 Ft. above sea level. It increased to its <br /> highest level on May 1st, 55.9 ft., gradually decreasing to 55.2 ft. in September. On May 2nd, Barbara <br /> notified Drew about the high level and asked if any board adjustments could be made. Erosion starts to <br /> occur when the level exceeds 55.5 Ft above sea level. Drew wrote that after mid May the herring <br /> migration should be over and he would make adjustments. Of note, both in 2018 and 2019 the level <br /> reached 55.9 Vt on May 1'. This spring the precipitation was very high,but most of the summer it was <br /> very dry. There were no board adjustments in the past two months. <br /> As usual, DPW did their annual dredging of sand in the area around the fish way. <br /> In February,March and April branches became stuck in the cage, and were removed by Drew when we <br /> notified him. <br /> Conclusions: Lake levels were high in the spring but have since come down to the usual levels. <br /> [Agenda topic 2] Storm Drains Lakewood/Melissa <br /> Discussion: In early February, Barbara contacted DPW about the direct water run off from Lakewood into <br /> the lake because the storm drains could not handle the amount of water. In March,two storm drains were <br /> replaced with larger ones,which seems to have corrected the problem. There was no action on Melissa <br /> Ave. where drains are also too small,but that area does not affect the lake. <br /> Conclusions: Storm drains on Lakewood were replaced with larger ones in March. <br />