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16 Great Neck RoadNorth <br />wlashyee, _Massachusetts o2649 <br />land totaling 6.024 acres. This proposal will continue the <br />cluster configuration of the existing subdivision and will add <br />2.49 acres to open space consistent with the requirements of <br />the Mashpee Zoning Bylaw at the time of cluster subdivision's <br />approval in 1989. <br />7:15PM (Continued from 1/18/2023) <br />Applicant: Pleasantwood Homes LLC <br />Location: 20 Tudor Terrace (Map 29, Block 198) <br />Request: The applicant requests approval of a modification to a special <br />permit approved October 6, 2022 that approved the creation of <br />45 single-family building lots in cluster configuration on 23.738 <br />acres of land and preserved 17.153 acres of open space. The <br />applicant seeks to modify the special permit decision to <br />incorporate the additional three building lots proposed. <br />Ms. Faulkner read the correspondence from Attorney Kirrane dated 1/31/23. He noted from the <br />12/21/22 meeting, a procedural question arose about the existing special permit being <br />modified to include the adjacent 6 acres. After discussion with his client and Town Planner, he <br />requests the application to modify the special permit be withdrawn without prejudice. He asked <br />that the hearing on the modification to the subdivision plan be continued until 3/15/23 to allow <br />the applicant time to submit a new application for a special permit. Additionally, he is <br />requesting a 90 day extension of the 135 day time period the Board has to file its decision on <br />the definitive subdivision plan with the Town Clerk. <br />MOTION: <br />Mr. Balzarini made a motion to grant the 90 day extension of the 135 day time period the <br />Board has to file the decision on the definitive subdivision plan with the Town Clerk. <br />Seconded by Ms. Faulkner. All in favor. <br />MOTION: <br />Mr. Richardson made a motion for the 7:10p.m. Public Hearing, regarding the <br />subdivision, be continued until March 15, 2023 at 7:20pm. Seconded by Mr. Balzarini. All <br />in favor. <br />MOTION: <br />Mr. Richardson made a motion to allow the applicant to withdraw the application for the <br />special permit without prejudice. Seconded by Mr. Balzarini. All in favor. <br />2 <br />