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02/01/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes (2)
02/01/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes (2)
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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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16 Great Neck RoadNorth <br />wlashyee, -Massachusetts oz649 <br />Ms. Waygan noted they have to wait for their application to come in before setting a Public <br />Hearing date and time. Abutters will be notified and a legal ad will be in the newspaper. <br />MOTION: <br />Mr. Balzarini made a motion to close the 7:15 Public Hearing regarding the special <br />permit application. Seconded by Ms. Faulkner. All in favor. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Update and discussion with Jacques Morin of Bayberry Building Company Inc. relative <br />to construction progress at the subdivision referred to as Ockway Highlands <br />Mr. Lehrer included the original agreed upon tripartite agreement in the packet. This included <br />the schedule of performance and a correspondence sent by Mr. Morin. He was unable to <br />appear this evening but provided comments for the Board. Mr. Pesce has been out to this <br />subdivision inspecting drainage issues occurring towards the end of Blue Castle Drive in front <br />of properties not subject to this subdivision. The base coat pavement is graded, so much of the <br />runoff is going past the drains and collecting in front yards. The grading is correct, and Mr. <br />Morin still has 3-4 homes to complete and he is uncertain of a completion timeline. However, <br />this drainage issue will be ongoing until the top coat of pavement goes on. He was invited here <br />to discuss an update, as the condition for completion is outlined as 4/1/22 with a condition that <br />he would provide annual reports. It being 2/1/23 and the project is incomplete, Mr. Lehrer felt it <br />be prudent for Mr. Morin to provide a schedule of work remaining and have a dialogue with the <br />Board about the drainage issue. It is his intention to deal with slopes of retention basins, <br />reloaming, reseeding, and correcting drainage issues. It was asked they allow silt sacks as <br />opposed to filter fabric due to the regular plugging. <br />Mr. Lehrer went during a heavy storm and there was a lot of water built up. They are missing <br />two drains and it is collecting at the end of the subdivision. There were some hay bales but he <br />is unsure how much of an improvement has been made. Mr. Balzarini stated it looks the same <br />Mr. Fulone suggested the Town Engineer recommend remediation that will have to be adhered <br />to. <br />Mr. Lehrer understands the solution is the top course of pavement and the hesitation before <br />houses are built. He's a year overdue and Mr. Lehrer would hate to see this issue continue. He <br />noted it is worth a conversation with Mr. Morin for the Board to be able to make solutions. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Joanne Dorsey- She is a homeowner who has been dealing with this for the past three years. <br />The water completely goes from one side of the street to the other and it is almost like a pond. <br />During rainfall the water comes up to the car door, there is no way to walk if she doesn't want <br />to drive through it, and it sits there two days past the rainfall. During these past three years she <br />has had to spray her yard for mosquitos. This summer it was as if she never sprayed. She was <br />3 <br />
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