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Finance Committee-Special Meeting <br />Minutes <br />December 21, 2023 <br /> <br /> <br />It was stated that the Town Manager’s office received a phone call at the end of October with regard to the end <br />th <br />of the lease and then received written notice on November 15. The leasing company was called and it was <br />explained that the amount due had to go through the CIP process and that the funds would be available in July <br />assuming that it gets approved. The leasing company was not agreeable to that explanation. The <br />documentation was forwarded to Town Counsel and the response was that the only viable source of funding, <br />considering the recent expiration of the leases and the imminent repossession of the vehicles, is a transfer from <br />the Reserve Fund with the approval of the Finance Committee. Such transfers can be approved by the Finance <br />Committee Pursuant to MGL chapter 40 section 6, such expenditures can be approved by the Finance <br />Committee “for extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures”. <br /> <br />Mr. Collins reported that there was a CIP meeting this afternoon and it was voted unanimously to approve <br />recommending the funds be transferred from the Reserve Fund. He said that whether the funds come from the <br />Reserve Fund or the typical CIP process it is the same Tax Payer’s dollar. <br /> <br />Mr. Collins stated that there will be dysfunction without the use of at least 1 or 2 of the vehicles. Inspectional <br />services, specifically, will be hindered. <br /> <br />The vehicles have cost nothing in fuel and will likely last another 5 years. <br /> <br />The question was raised if it was forgotten that the leases were expiring and it was explained that it was an <br />oversight between the two Departments with each Department thinking that the other was handling it. <br />It was also explained that at the start, the leases were paid in full up front and there haven’t been any monthly <br />lease payments to keep track of. <br /> <br />It was asked what procedures will be put into place so that this doesn’t happen again and Mr. Collins stated that <br />at the Department Head meetings it will be explained that any Department that submits a vehicle into CIP will <br />be responsible in overseeing it for the duration. He stated that there will be spreadsheets created to keep track <br />of all of the leases. <br /> <br />VOTE: Passed 6-0-0 <br />Roll Call Vote: <br />Mr. Pettengill, yes, Mrs. Furbush, yes, Mr. McKelvey, yes, Jamie Schuh, yes, Glenn Thompson, yes <br />Mr. Weiner, yes <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL TOPICS <br />None at this Time. <br /> <br />NEXT MEETING <br />Thursday, January 11, 2024 <br />6:30pm <br />Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />