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Kirsten said she has made multiple attempts to reach Catherine Laurent and has not heard back. The <br />Committee would like to use some of the funds to purchase native plants and to replace a broken <br />wheelbarrow. Kirsten will continue to reach out. <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />• Garden Cleanout. <br />The garden cleanout on October 28th was successful. It was well attended, the weather was beautiful and a <br />lot got done. The walkways were weeded, the shed was cleaned out and the native garden was weeded. It <br />looks to be in good shape for the winter. <br />A few plants had not died back yet. Such as Dahlias and a few pepper plants. They will be taken care of as <br />they die back. <br />There is one garden that still has perennials and Kirsten plans to reach out to the person that is responsible for <br />those plants as perennials are not allowed at the Community Garden per the Rules and Regulations. Ginny <br />suggested reaching out to Dan Kent in Conservation to inquire if he can come to the garden and make <br />suggestions as to moving them to the perennial bed and to also speak to the individual gardeners about <br />possibly becoming Land Stewards for the pollinator garden. <br />There are a few tomato cages left and they will be brought to the transfer station. <br />• DPW. <br />Kirsten stated that the water has been shut off, wood chips have been requested for the spring season to be <br />put on the walkways and the native garden and plant debris has been placed next to the shed for pickup. <br />Kirsten has requested new garden bed numbers and is awaiting a reply Catherine Laurent. In the interim, she <br />found some numbers in the shed and they will be used to replace any numbers that are not visible. <br />The broken wheelbarrow. The price to replace it is $89.00 and the price for 2 new handles is $25.00. Brian <br />Logan agreed to let Frank Gallello that he can either go ahead and replace it or repair it and then submit the <br />receipt for reimbursement. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />0 Final Reminder to Clean Out Beds and Remove Tomato Cages from Shed — Kirsten Nordstrom. <br />Kirsten will send out a final email to all gardeners this weekend and then will be removing the tomato cages. <br />• Spring Event — Determine Topic and Possible Speaker(s). <br />This item was tabled until a later date. It was stated that the Library worked very well for the last event and <br />will be a good place to have the next one or two events. Polly asked if the Library has Zoom capabilities. Polly <br />will inquire if Zoom is an option. <br />OTHER <br />The December 20, 2023 MCGAC meeting is cancelled. <br />